- Совместимость с XenForo
- 1.3
- 1.4
- Видимый копирайт
- Нет
Интеграция Pushover/Pushbullet с системой оповещений XenForo для получения push-уведомлений на Android/iOS
1. Pushover/Pushbullet integration to receive XenForo alerts as Android/iOS push notification
2. Easy association steps for user, possible to choose one device
3. Delayed mode to improve user experience
4. Automatically retry sending notification as per Pushover documentation (after 5 minutes of certain type of error)
5. User-group permission to control who can use the feature
1. Upload files and directories inside `upload` to XenForo's root directory. Select "Merge" for everything if you are asked
2. Import the .xml file using XenForo add-on importer
3. Configure user-group permission Can Push Notification
4. Configure your key/secret in AdminCP > Options > [bd] Push Notification
1. Pushover/Pushbullet integration to receive XenForo alerts as Android/iOS push notification
2. Easy association steps for user, possible to choose one device
3. Delayed mode to improve user experience
4. Automatically retry sending notification as per Pushover documentation (after 5 minutes of certain type of error)
5. User-group permission to control who can use the feature
1. Upload files and directories inside `upload` to XenForo's root directory. Select "Merge" for everything if you are asked
2. Import the .xml file using XenForo add-on importer
3. Configure user-group permission Can Push Notification
4. Configure your key/secret in AdminCP > Options > [bd] Push Notification