- Совместимость с XenForo
- 1.4
- 1.5
- Видимый копирайт
- Нет
Дополнение позволяет добавлять страницы с прайс-таблицами, изменяя их под свои нужды.
List of Pages (also available from Navbar):
- ADS Pricing Tables (your-site.com/adsprice)
- PREMIUM Pricing Tables (your-site.com/premiumprice)
- ADS Pricing Tables 2 (your-site.com/adsprice2)
- PREMIUM Pricing Tables 2 (your-site.com/premiumprice2)
- ADS Pricing Tables 3 (your-site.com/adsprice3)
- PREMIUM Pricing Tables 3 (your-site.com/premiumprice3)
- Style properties for all parts
- Fully phrased (so you can translate it)
- Multiple Designs
- Options for all parts
- Fully Responsive
- User Groups Permissions
- Dedicated Admin Navigation
- Navbar Tab(s)
- Tabbed Options
- Ability to hide each table in Mobile
- Different effects
- Full Supporting HTML
- Be able to activate/deactivate
- Be able to use all together (you can activate all of them for different purposes)
- Widget framework renderer for all tables
- Up to 5 Columns (each of them can be enabled/disabled)
- Unlimited List of features for each column
- Title for each column
- Price for each column
- Footer Button for each column
- Footer Button link for each column
- All parts support HTML (so you can add anything anywhere - also you can have inline customization)
- Up to 5 Columns (each of them can be enabled/disabled)
- Unlimited List of features for each column
- Title for each column
- Price for each column
- Info next to price for each column
- Footer Button for each column
- Footer Button link for each column
- All parts support HTML (so you can add anything anywhere - also you can have inline customization)
- Up to 5 Columns (each of them can be enabled/disabled)
- Unlimited List of features for each column
- Currency Sign for each column
- Price for each column
- Plan Period for each column
- Title for each column
- Footer Button for each column
- Footer Button link for each column
- All parts support HTML (so you can add anything anywhere - also you can have inline customization)
- 1 Columns (suitable for using in sidebar + but you can also use in its page)
- Unlimited List of features for column
- Currency and Price for column
- Duration for column
- Title for column
- Footer Button for column
- Footer Button link for column
- All parts support HTML (so you can add anything anywhere - also you can have inline customization)