- Совместимость с XenForo
- 2.0
- 2.1
- 2.2
- Ссылка на русификатор
- https://xenforo.info/resources/8100/
- Видимый копирайт
- Нет
Значительно расширяет диапазон доступных пользовательских критериев.
Критерии пользователей применяются, например, при создании объявлений, при создании трофеев и т.п.
Критерии пользователей применяются, например, при создании объявлений, при создании трофеев и т.п.
Additional criteria:
- User profile and options
- User is NOT browsing in the selected language
- User has (not) filled in "About you" field
- User has (no) signature
- User has (not) filled in "website" field
- Behaviour
- User has recieved at least X warnings
- User has recieved no more than X warnings
- User has at least X active warnings
- User has no more than X active warnings
- User has at least X warning points
- User has no more than X warning points
- Priviledges and status
- User state is NOT equal to
- Social
- User has at least X followers
- User has no more than X followers
- User has at least X people following him
- User has no more than X people following him
- User is ignoring at least X people
- User is ignoring no more than X people
- Connected accounts
- User is connected with NONE of the selected connect account providers
- Content and achievements
- User has created at least X threads
- User has added at least X tags to content
- Specific user
- User name is NOT equal to
- User name does NOT contain
- User's email adress does NOT contain