- Совместимость с XenForo
- 2.0
- Видимый копирайт
- Нет
Плагин значительно упрощает работу с форумом для администраторов добавляя удобные инструменты.
- Fully anonymize users with a single button click.
- Replace their username with a auto-generated new name
- Replace their e-mail address with one linking to your board
- Delete all logged IP addresses
- Delete all their profile information (date of birth, signature, website, location, custom title, about you), two-factor authentication data, connected account provider data, avatars, [optional] warnings & bans, [optional] soft deleted content, custom user fields
- [Optional] disable their user accounts
- Replace their password with a auto-generated 256 byte long random string
- Automatically log them out on all devices
- Empty their user change log