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  • Исправление ошибок
  • За обновление благодарим пользователя @Oldfox
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Реакции: mamyka
  • Исправление ошибок
  • Добавление настроек
  • За предоставленное обновление благодарим пользователя @Oldfox

  1. Statically position node stats icons
  2. Remove @uix_alwaysShowNavDropdownArrow style property.
  3. Remove @uix_showNavigationArrowsOnHover style property.
  4. Add to UI.X Navigation style properties a dropdown for dropdown arrow style
  5. Improved formatting and organization of uix.debug(). Also include more variables to further help debugging.
  6. Touch Friendly Nav option also makes hovering dropdown arrows correctly trigger the menu if arrows aren't enabled but show arrows on hover is enabled.
  • Мне нравится
Реакции: Slowpoked
  • Исправление ошибок
  • Добавление новых функций
  • За обновление благодарим пользователя @Oldfox
  • Исправление ошибок
  • Обновление до XenForo 1.4.6
  • За обновление благодарим пользователя @Oldfox
За обновление благодарим Oldfox
Несколько важных замечаний:
  • НЕ ОБНОВЛЯЙТЕ UI.X традиционным путём, пока не дочитаете список важных замечаний
  • Сделайте БЭКАП Вашей текущей версии UI.X и всех его дочерних стилей
  • UI.X теперь поддерживает плагин (https://xenforo.info/resources/audentio-design-ui-x.3019/) (фразы, возможности, права и многое другое), установка этого плагина является обязательной, без него стиль работать не будет, он даже не установится!
Список изменений и исправлений (на Английском):
Bugs and improvements:
  • Sticky footer - minor javascript bug that caused the height of footer to increase
  • Postbit issue on firefox where images and text would not wrap properly - mainly affected firefox and IE
  • Flexbox footer improvements for IE10
  • Deleted uix_visitorTabs - we use navigation_visitor_tab for better support with add-ons
  • Home link as icon spacing on IE and Firefox
  • Social Media icons can be toggled on or off on a per theme basis as well as global
  • Global footer html parsing issue fixed - supports html now
  • rating and event icons in the profile tab have been fixed
Исправление ошибок
За подгончик спасибо пользователю @Slowpoked :thumbsup:

Если вкратце, то в новой версии исправлены баги добавлены новые функции, а если не вкратце, то вот:
It has been a full year since the original release of UI.X, and wow how far we've come. We are so very proud of what we have built, and the support you all have given us is what we needed to make it possible. We hope that this last year stands as a testament to our commitment to our products and the appreciation we have for this amazing community and software. Looking towards the future we have amazing new products and resources we plan to build including videos on customizing UI.X, plugins to help your forum development and design process smoother, and much much more! Thank you all!

This update offers much needed basic improvements. The mobile experience has never been better. I say it a lot, but we are extremely proud of this release. It is the cornerstone of the future of UI.X and our product line. Everything has been perfected, and yet upgrading should still be a breeze. ALL bugs reported to us should now be fixed, and ALL features we mentioned we wanted to release have now been. Here is a list of the more prominent features:

  • Category description tooltip
  • Jump to top fade (turned off by default, will not fade out - some people wanted this feature so it has been built!)
  • Rounded Online Indicator
  • Pulsating Online Indicator (will do a cool little pulsar effect, can be disabled of course)
  • We moved uix.css to be included after the last css file is called in the main include. This saves you a resource call.
  • We moved fontAwesome above all JS, thus making your page load a bit faster
  • Added <xen:hook> to the footer columns so you can now use widgets instead of static html (ie: hook:uix_footer_col1 for widget framework)
  • Login with facebook text was discolored, we made the text white
  • New label added so it can display 'New' next to a node. Great if you want to remove the node icons altogether and save space.
  • Made the staff banner pull from tertiary color, more prominent than gray
  • You can now add a favicon via a style property
  • Side by side categories now is fully functional (node style 2)
  • We completely reorganized the style properties so they are more intuitively named, better descriptions, and in proper order -- should be easier to find things! Should flow like a river of butter!
  • Can hide footer menu (home/privacy policy/top/contact/etc), great if you want to just the extended footer instead.
  • Move all private postbit message controls to a dropdown menu, great for consolidating the postbit. Turned on by default
  • Center the postbit message controls at a certain width, you choose.
  • We made some optimization improvements for those looking for quicker load time. We did all we could think of. If you have suggestions we are entirely open.
  • More control on how you size the call to action next to breadcrumb
  • Vast improvements to the posts layouts and postbit

Bug fixes

  • Avatar issues, this has all been fixed and is fantastic. We turned the retain avatar dimensions off by default, but you should check this feature out. Those that want full size avatars can do so without any template edits
  • Center logo bug where you could not have it all the time centered has been fixed, you enter 100% now.
  • Firefox and IE footer blocks now stack properly, this has never been reported to us strangely enough but they now stack wonderfully like they do on chrome.
  • Prefix border fixed
  • Теперь стиль совместим с XenForo 1.4
  • Исправлены ошибки
  • Добавлены новые функции
  • Мне нравится
Реакции: Platoon
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