Вы используете устаревший браузер. Этот и другие сайты могут отображаться в нём некорректно. Вам необходимо обновить браузер или попробовать использовать другой.
Значительно уменьшено количество CSS, обычно загружаемого всеми темами. CSS для конкретных функций теперь загружается намного эффективнее при использовании функций, что позволяет сэкономить на размере страницы и времени загрузки.
Разные улучшения
Исправление ошибок
Редактор форматированного текста
Внесены дальнейшие визуальные улучшения в текстовый редактор XenForo.
Добавлен более плавный стиль между состояниями элементов, такими как наведение, выбранные кнопки и т. д.
Добавлены новые пользовательские свойства стиля для стилизации дополнительных элементов текстового редактора.
Всплывающее меню bg
Цвет всплывающего окна
Цвет всплывающего окна при наведении
Опция всплывающего окна hover bg
Цвет выбранного всплывающего окна
Выбрана опция всплывающего окна bg
Связанные с аддоном
Дальнейшее улучшенное предотвращение ошибки, из-за которой виджеты мультимедиа не отображались в определенных условиях, эта ошибка должна быть полностью устранена.
Это значительное обновление, включающее в себя изменения, исправления и улучшения функций нескольких версий XenForo.
Framework Changes
Updated to Xenforo 2.1.8, merged all templates
Updated to Nulumia Framework 2.3.4 RC1
Numerous new codebase improvements
Renamed & reordered numerous properties within the [Nulumia] settings groups for better accessibility
The Structured Item Lists property group has been renamed to Discussion/thread list
Misc Improvements
Improved handling of block-link styling
Improved styling of data list tables
Added new "Flat style" setting to control how blocks and presented. By default, Xenforo uses inner padding for all block elements in a "container" style. This new setting allows blocks to be flattened and lose their container appearance, with no border, padding, or background. The flattened style will use a more floating appearance with inner content sitting over the body background. Useful for themes with minimal UI. (Available via the Blocks property group.)
Added new Footer Text properties to Basic Colors. (footerTextColor, footerTextColorDimmed, footerTextColorMuted, footerLinkColor, footerLinkHoverColor). Applied all properties within the Footer and [Nulumia] Advanced Footer groups
Added new Label Subtle property
Removed the "nl" prefix from several commonly used custom properties:
@xf-nlBlockHeadPaddingV -> @xf-blockHeadPaddingV
@xf-nlBlockHeadPaddingH -> @xf-blockHeadPaddingH
@xf-nlBlockFooterHeight -> @xf-blockFooterHeight
@xf-nlContentPadding-> @xf-contentPadding
Improved styling of all notice types
Header & Navigation
Added new theme hook location under_topbar_above_header to nulumia_themehook_macros
Added new properties to style links in the Staff bar
Fixed some bugs related to moving the Visitor Tabs placement to the top bar or logo row area
Improved the appearance of dropdown menus and spacing from their parent elements
Extended the sidebar properties to affect other sidebar locations, such as the Resource section and sidebars introduced by other addons
Improved spacing of elements within sidebar content rows
Forums & Node List
Improved appearance of the regular node list in all themes
Fixed a default Xenforo bug where last post author names would be clipped without using an ellipsis (...)
Fixed a bug where the node stats would not appear
Reactivated the alternating row colors setting for the node list
Improved contrast between hover & alternating row colors in all themes for better UI
Added new property to style the group of last post elements (author name, date etc)
Discussion List
Added new property to style Sticky items
Added new property to style mod-selected messages
Added new option to change the display of action/edit links within Messages: CTA button, primary button, or inline-links
Fixed some alignment issues with action/edit links and inline checkboxes
Member Profiles
Added new properties to style header labels, popup profiles and other elements
Usernames now always use Capitalized format. All uppercase usage has been removed from various themes
Changed the large user avatar on member profiles to a square format by default
Improved handling of width and inner spacing under various configurations, such as floating vs boxed layout, fixed vs fluid, etc
Addon Related
Updated custom templates for DragonByte Tech eCommerce
Made numerous optimizations to Color Palette and Basic Color usage
Optimized templates
Fixed conditional styling of many sections under boxed or floating content layouts
Fixed some padding issues when using the full width layout
Added Style Properties to style tooltip popups for Members, Share, Bookmark etc
Matched styling of member tooltip popups to member profile pages
Added custom styling and Style Property for message-attribution items (Date, Rating, etc)
Node & discussion list
Further compatibility improvements with TH Nodes
Further appearance tweaks for the TH Nodes grid
Fixed an issue which could cause node icons not to display when TH Nodes was enabled
Style properties which were intended to target forum list elements (category headings, groups of nodes) will now strictly affect those elements, and will no longer affect similarly structured elements above or below the node list
Addon related
Compatibility fixes with Siropu Chat and Siropu Shoutbox
Fixed a bug affecting block-footer buttons on XenPorta article items