В новой версии XenForo Media Gallery 1.1.6 исправлены ошибки, которые были выявлены после релиза XenForo Media Gallery 1.1.5.
Описание исправленных ошибок на английском языке:
Added a new option to control the thumbnail quality of JPG thumbnails.
Added a new unsharp mask filter to the thumbnail process to make thumbnails appear sharper.
The cached thumbnail URL is no longer used for album thumbnails therefore changes made to the XF data directory take effect immediately.
Prevented a situation where a video embed could be updated to an invalid URL.
Improved some of the custom field display styling on the media view.
Implemented spam checking on Gallery comments. Gallery comments are therefore now checked against Spam Phrases and Akismet (where enabled).
Prevent a 'Serialized value contains an object and this is not allowed' error when a moderator performs actions on some album related content.
Fixed missing rating count icon on thumbnails in "New Media"
Workaround for an 'Uncaught TypeError' in the Gallery lightbox when a media title comprises only of numbers.
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