Запрос на дополнение размеры аватарки

Не могу. Мне переводить лень. Там много.
Перевести я смогу,точнее попробую.
У меня не получается перевести слова которые в админке[DOUBLEPOST=1373655911,1373655849][/DOUBLEPOST]Ты главное залей сюда,кому надо тот переведет.
For those folks who would like to use the Large version of avatars within the postbit or message area, here's a little tweak that I've used before.

Note: Please keep a backup or detailed notes of your template or style properties before you do the tweaks, just in case :)

STEP 1: You are going to want to change the use of the "m" avatar (m = medium sized) to the "l" avatar (l = large sized). You do that by doing the following...

Go to the template: message_user_info and look for:
<div class="avatarHolder">
<span class="helper"></span>
<xen:avatar user="$user" size="m" />
<!-- slot: message_user_info_avatar -->

Now, you notice the third line with the size="m", you need to change that to size="l" instead. The "l" stands for 'large' and that will change your avatar size to the 192px version instead of the "m" avatar which is the 96px version.

Code should now look like this:
<div class="avatarHolder">
<span class="helper"></span>
<xen:avatar user="$user" size="l" />
<!-- slot: message_user_info_avatar -->

STEP 2: Now that you've changed the size of the avatar, now you have to change the size of the message / postbit area to accommodate the larger avatar. Do it by doing these next two tweaks:

Style Properties > Message Layout > User Info Container put 220px into Width.

Style Properties > Message Layout > Content Container put 236px into Left under Margin (see the screenshot below)
Screen Shot 2011-12-07 at 8.28.07 PM.png

STEP 3: Refresh or open a thread and you should see the changes.

DISCLAIMER: This, of course, it based on the default xF style. So, if you have custom styles, you'll have to play with the margins or even use some fancy shmancy CSS to get the desired look or placement you are looking for.
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