Gamer Time Notices Guide

Welcome to our guide to the Gamer Time Notices. This is a short tutorial on how you can get up and running with our Gamer Time Custom notices like the screenshots.

I'll start by saying to achieve notices like this:
It works best if you setup all your notices to have the same format. Like our demo site you'll notice when you're logged out the default notice doesn't look all that attractive but once you sign in you can see the custom notices as shown.

To get the default notice like ours go to your Admin CP -> Notices->

Create New Notice:

Title: 1
<div class="gtNotice gtNotice1">
  <div class="noticeMessage">
  <h4>Welcome to Gamer Time</h4>
  <p> Gamer Time is the next best style for your XenForo gaming site. <a href="/login/">Register</a> today to get involved in our great forum community!</p>
  <div class="noticeButtonContainer">
  <label for="LoginControl" id="SignupButton"><a href="/login/" class="inner"><b>Sign Up Now!</b></a></label>
  <span>Already a member? <a href="/login/">Login Now!</a></span>

Uncheck: Add default notice text styling

Then set your criteria. For this specific one you may want to target User is a guest since it's a login message.
We provide four default images you can use:

If you want to add more images the size depends on your layout, but I've set it up so the image should stretch depending on your page width. By default my images use: 1117 width by 228 height.

Finally you'll need to add this to your extra.css:
   background: url(@imagePath/xenforo/sources/notice5.png) no-repeat center center;
   background-size: cover;

Replacing the Notice5 with whichever number you want. Then follow the steps above making sure you use the number 5.

To add more than one notice:
Look above at the code, you can change the title to 2, 3, 4 ect... then inside the message HTML you'll ntoice: gtNotice1, change that to the new number as well.

If you want to have your own message this would be a blank template you can use:
<div class="gtNotice gtNotice1">
  <div class="noticeMessage">
Message here

How can I use my own background images?
First step would be to upload your image

These notices are somewhat flexible but will require some work getting up and running. If you want to set them up without being visible to the public simply set the user criteria to: User is Admin.
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