Информация о XenForo 2.0

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Выпуск версии 1.5 был последним в серии XenForo 1.x.x, далее разработчики начнут, точнее уже начали заниматься разработкой XenForo 2.0. Все новости о XenForo 2.0 мы будем размещать в данной теме. :-)

Приближается время официального релиза XenForo 1.5 и теперь необходимо переключить наше основное внимание на развитие новой версии, которой станет XenForo 2.0.

Несмотря на то, что мы пока не можем предоставить большое количество деталей о версии 2.0, у нас есть рамки принципы и идеи, которые мы хотим реализовать именно в новой версии, в том числе будет произведён целый ряд структурных изменений, которые позволят повысить производительность труда разработчиков и гибкость кода. Мы уже писали некоторые особенности основного кода для того, чтобы проверить жизнеспособность некоторых наших архитектурных идей, и мы в восторге от прогресса, который получился.

Основная версия выпуска, например, XenForo 2.0 дает нам больше свободы, чтобы сделать значительные, радикальные изменения.

Требования к версии PHP с выходом XenForo 2.0 конечно же будут увеличены, прежде всего, потому что мы хотим использовать новые технологии, которые сейчас предлагают новые версии PHP. Текущая минимальная версия, необходимая для корректной работы XenForo - PHP 5.3, но к сожалению он уже достаточно устарел.

Сразу скажу, что о выходе новой версии ничего неизвестно. Как только что-то будет проясняться, мы напишем здесь об этом. :-)
Последнее редактирование:
XF2, удивительное сообщество Maker но я думаю, что основной шаблон не круто
XF2 , is a amazing Community Maker , but i think the main template isn't cool , Sorry Russian is't my native lang
Ещё обновления и изменения в XenForo 2.0:

So, a few of the more visible/interesting changes:
  • Updated member tooltip system. On touch, this is triggered on click; a second click of the trigger element (once the tooltip is open) or the name/avatar in the tooltip will take you to the profile. On desktop, click triggers the same behavior; hover and focus still work and roughly behave as before. Thoughts?
  • Add support for "forcing" tooltips to display within the current viewport (rather than just within the body).
  • Add mention support to the disabled rich text editor.
  • Ensure that editor selection is maintained when the editor is blurred. This sorts problems with positioning of inserted quotes or attachments.
  • Voting in a poll no longer requires a reload to display the results.
  • The poll widget now supports voting and improved "simple" styling (more consistent with other widgets).
  • Implement initial version of syntax highlighting in the control panel template editor. (Still to mostly be considered a trial/test.)
  • Updates to the member stats system to fix how the overview page was generated and to make the overview page significantly less busy.
And the rest:
  • New system for "required" parameters in route matching.
  • Easier methods for skipping ignored content in thread/post queries ($finder->skipIgnored()).
  • Support autofocus in the JS "toggle" system (as used in profile post commenting).
  • Ensure always scrolled to the right #location even when images shift the page.
  • Support member tooltips on mentions.
  • Track/style recently viewed and new alerts separately (styling still being tweaked based on feedback).)
  • Re-add support checking for new messages via the draft system and make the draft controller plugin more flexible. New JS structure for easier dynamic message insertion.
  • Added separate permission surrounding viewability of the member tooltip vs the full profile.
  • New "switch overlay" system for adjusting links based on the results of an overlay form submission (watch/unwatch links). Switch settings (text and class changes) are marked up in the HTML rather than being hard coded in the PHP. This also means that the watch/unwatch links don't require a page reload.
  • Tweaks to editor button sizes to improve the sharpness of the Font Awesome icons.
  • Optimize the page title/favicon update system to not bother rebuilding them if no changes have been detected.
  • Make sure the user privacy system has enabled the ChangeLoggable behavior (so changes will be automatically logged).
  • Reporting content no longer causes a page reload. This (and a few other places) now give a more specific "flash message".
  • A new option to the ajax form submission system to control whether a redirect is followed based on whether the form is shown in an overlay. (If enabled, in an overlay, don't follow the redirect; otherwise do.)
  • Tweaks to the notice "x" (close button) styling to ensure there's spacing around text and generally improve the location of it.
  • Update to the new "user remember key" system to ensure that when logging out, your current device's remember key is invalidated and when changing/resetting your password, all existing remember keys are invalidated. Drop the no longer used remember_key column (and csrf_token).
  • Add a new secret_key (based off the original remember_key) to users. This can be used in things like emails when we want to ensure the link was sent to them but don't necessarily want to force them to login.
  • Drop hash tracking from the lightbox. While ideally helpful, the implementation was not up to scratch. It may be reinvestigated in the future.
  • Adjustments to inline mod highlighting system and simplification of the applied color to be more consistent. Ensure that IDs are removed from inline mod when you take an action on them (for example, leaving a conversation).
  • Move the inline mod checkbox to the second row in thread/conversation lists.
  • Simplified the usage of the mark forums read overlays as we have separate buttons for forum-specific and global actions now.
  • Prevent a situation where the template compiler stopped compiling if template syntax wasn't found in the first 70 kilobytes or so in the template (but where it had some later).
  • Store a count of the number of active external account providers so we don't show the link when unnecessary.
  • Ensure we don't trigger iOS's tap highlight on certain elements that are designed to invisibly cover others.
  • Ensure that, when messages are inserted dynamically, all JS functionality is enabled on them as needed.
  • In the lightbox, hide the bar and the caption much more quickly. Also, adjust the zoom icons to only show as active when zooming would do something.
  • When a label (prefix) is included in a link, adjust the link styling to ensure the space between the label and the remainder of the link doesn't show a weird looking underline.
  • When previewing a message edit, show existing attachments that are embedded into the message properly.
  • Restructure the code for first post editing (which includes editing of thread details when possible) to allow easier extension of thread edits.
  • Silently disable form buttons while the form's ajax submission is processing to reduce chances of double submits (such as from double clicks).
  • Tooltips have now separated the tooltip itself and the trigger handling from the elements that configure specific types of tooltips (regular, element, preview, member, etc). This allows more configuration options and improved reuse. It also allows use of tooltips with non-traditional triggers (select to quote).
  • Ensure that hover/focus triggers on tooltips aren't run when switching tabs or doing a long press on mobile.
  • Support menus in tooltips.
  • Support a new "touchclick" tooltip trigger which works as a click but only applies to touch devices.
  • Take steps to prevent arrows from "popping out" of tooltips when the triggers are close to the page edge.
  • Add a new dynamic z-index configuration system to ensure that things like menus inside tooltips inside overlays work as expected.
  • Fade out the thread preview tooltip content at the end to indicate it's not scrollable (and make it look better).
  • Drop the "bars" progress indicator on narrow responsive views, keeping only the line. On a smaller screen, the line should be sufficiently visible on its own.
  • Adjust editor initialization system to ensure that it can handle situations where the base editor JS code is not yet loaded. Fire events when we start doing editor initialization and make it easier for custom JS to extend this in the same way.
  • Don't show or count robots in the online visitor system any longer. They can still be browsed on the online visitor list.
  • When fetching the permission_combination_id of a user, make it react dynamically based on their user_state (this is the method of forcing guest permissions on non-valid accounts).
  • New system for handling common error types (no permission, not found, etc) through a controller plugin. This resolves issues where the online location of a user would be incorrect while also allowing add-ons to extend or change the behavior of these pages more easily.
Ещё обновления и изменения в XenForo 2.0:
Текста вроде много, но в нём в основном хотфиксы, новые технологии для старого функционала, еще больше адаптивности под различные устройства и много правок тултипа. Читать многостраничную дискуссию на оф. форуме про систему трофеев и то интереснее. :-)
Где бы получить версию нового XF для разработчиков? Будет ли она здесь?
Её вообще никто не получил даже.

Ничего неизвестно пока.
А простые пользователи смогут ее получить или только разработчики с оффсайта?

А тут о чем была речь? :-D
О том, что будет когда-то. :)

Очередное обновление XenForo 2.0:

It's time for another development update to highlight what we've changed in the past two weeks.

The most noticeable changes are likely style/interface related. Some of these will be immediately apparent, but others are a lot more subtle:
  • Navigation has been changed to a "tab" style approach to more significantly connect to the sub-navigation. Icons have been removed and padding has been changed.
  • The darkening on the navigation row has been removed and only kept on the visitor-related links to separate them from the main navigation.
  • The position of the search and visitor-related links have been swapped.
  • Maintain the navigation row rather than the logo row on mobile (use media queries to display a small logo here).
  • Support a sticky navigation row/header. (This uses position: sticky when available to be more efficient and accurate. iOS is the best example of this.)
  • Adjusted padding, bottom border and hover styles for the sub-nav row.
  • Enlarge some clickable areas of the navigation row and add a bit of separation in other cases.
  • Adjusted off canvas navigation color and styling to be more consistent with the "main" navigation area.
  • Shift some of the header/navigation links outside of the default page edge padding so they align better visually (even with padding).
  • Take the forum list titles from "larger" to "large" text size.
  • Drop the "large" text size from 18px to 17px. (We still use this in thread list titles.)
  • Make the page title display in 24px normal weight font (rather than 30px light weight).
  • Re-add the bottom breadcrumb.
  • Ensure the footer always sticks to the bottom of the page (on recent browsers).
  • When the sidebar is pushed down and multiple sidebar elements now fit in a row, try to give a consistent height to all of the blocks for a more even look.
  • Very slight color tweaks: borders in general are slightly darker; the distinction between the content background, content background "neutral" and page background is slightly greater; muted text is slightly darker)
  • Drop the page edge padding to 10px (this is more noticeable on mobiles which have areas that push to the page edge).
  • Remove the "page edge liner" darkening on wide monitors. (Mostly due to z-index issues. It would need to be reapproached.)
  • Adjust "form section headers" to align more consistently with the labels (but still expand if needed).
  • Don't bold the last post date in unread threads.
  • Center align usernames and user titles in messages.
  • Make the message user info/message content border slightly stronger. Make the message signature border slightly stronger.
  • Make the message "action bar" one font size larger than it was.
  • Adjust quotes/BB code blocks to have a slightly larger orange border and a border to increase differentiation from the post. Quotes also default to "small" text.
  • Move the "preview" button from the submission row to closer to the message editor.
  • Adjust the styling on the attach/preview/insert quotes buttons to not grab attention compared to the form submission buttons.
  • Remove the "more options" links from quick reply as they now expose very few additional options (at best).
Some of the other more interesting changes include:
  • Profile posts in the sidebar widget are now height limited with a fade out. The full version can be seen by clicking the date or "interact" button.
  • Mention auto-completion in the rich text editor will now be positioned directly in line with the mention, provided there's space.
  • You can now drag text and HTML into the rich text editor. (Dragging within the editor is not currently supported.)
  • Expanded new posts widget display options to allow choice of display types: latest posts (read or unread), unread posts only, watched only (read or unread in watched threads/forums). Guests always see latest posts only.
  • Add support for passing explicit page context options into widgets (for example, passing the current thread) so they can react in a context sensitive manner if desired. Add some additional widget positions, support pushing widgets into a global sidebar (does not interfere with page-specific sidebars).
  • Support a new HTML widget that actually allows you to use XenForo template syntax. This can be used in fairly advanced ways to create more complex widgets or complex conditions over widgets.
  • Add a code editor when editing BB code media site templates. This is done via the <xf:codeeditorrow> tag.
  • Add a code editor to the rich text editor code overlay.
  • Add a button to insert inline code tags to the rich text editor.
  • Give options to choose from the various available languages in the code overlay (including dynamically switching the highlighting).
  • When displaying highlighted code in a message, give an indication of the code language in the upper right corner) and use a nicer syntax highlighting style.
And of course, the slightly more boring stuff:upload_2016-12-10_19-53-51.gif
  • The editor smilie list positioning has been changed so it isn't hidden when the editor is scrollable and the border doubling when re-closed has been resolved.
  • Some auto-complete issues have been resolved in mobile browsers.
  • Adjust the maximum height limit of the editor to handle small windows better. (And include iOS specific adjustments to account for the on-screen keyboard.)
  • Restored undo/redo editr buttons primarily for mobiles that don't have reasonable access to keyboard shortcuts.
  • Collapse list-related editor buttons into a single menu to avoid button wrapping on some tablets.
  • Make disabled editor buttons more faint and make the RTE disabled icon more visible when active.
  • Small improvements in the display of block link split toggles in older browsers.
  • Fix a few HTML validation issues.
  • Make sure we don't include itemprop attributes on avatars unless in a context where it makes sense.
  • Fix an issue where "view older results" in searches wouldn't maintain the search constraints correctly.
  • Support inline moderation actions on a few more pages.
  • Fix the lack of a trailing space when clicking on an auto-complete mention option.
  • Ensure that we don't re-focus the editor after submitting a quick reply.
  • Make sure that you can immediately type into the editor after dragging in an image or a file.
  • Focus the editor immediately when clicking the "quote" button on a post to ensure the keyboard appears on iOS.
  • Take steps to ensure that the cursor remains on screen when dynamically inserting content or pasting into the editor.
  • Take steps to ensure that the cursor remains on screen when the window is resized (particularly when an on-screen keyboard appears).
  • When choosing the delete draft button, ensure that the editor does not try to re-save that content unless you make a change.
  • Adjusted wordings where possible to use "latest" and "unread" wordings to be clearer about what's included. ("New posts" is intentionally ambiguous because of various filtering options.)
  • Reintroduce the log in/sign up button on threads and forums if you don't have permission to create content there to encourage registration.
  • Destroy the message preview container after submitting a quick reply so that any video inside it doesn't keep playing... and playing... and playing... Why did you embed a ?
  • Link some of the stats on the member tooltip.
  • Display awarded trophies on the profile about page.
  • Apply block--messages to conversations to be consistent with threads.
  • Fixed an issue where profile post comments tried to escape when a profile post was quick edited. Sneaky ones!
  • Rename some of our core CSS files to be clearer what's included globally (core.less and core_*.less files) and what is automatically included in app-specific areas (app.less and app_*.less files).
  • Remove a few of the less popular default custom fields (AIM, etc) from new installs.
  • Add a placeholder in quick search to the "by" field to make it clear that it wants member user name(s).
  • Adjust ajax form submission JS events to use the new "type:action" approach consistently (AjaxSubmitError to ajax-submit:error, for example).
  • Ensure that captchas refresh regardless of whether the form submission errors.
  • Shuffle the thread list icon order; watch will now always be the rightmost icon.
  • Kill the remaining references to our old border color system and standardize on the new "structural border" colors.
  • Link the entire "X said" text to the source message.
  • Provide a base class to shift active page anchors by the size of the sticky navigation to ensure the top of the content you're linked to doesn't go under the header.
  • Create a new system for dynamically loading the Facebook JS SDK on demand (such as when a Facebook video is embedded). This should be generalizable to other cases where we need to dynamically adjust external JS state/systems based on content in the page.
  • Determine workarounds for bugs in Chrome's current position sticky implementation and created reduced test cases so they can hopefully be fixed in a future release. Until then, position sticky usage has been disabled in Chrome.
  • In development mode, automatically write out an add-on-specific style_properties.less file to aid with auto-completion of style property references.
  • Give the quick reply submit row a specific variant class to more easily control the alignment of the submit button.
  • Add support for passing dynamic attribute lists into most of our form-related template elements.
  • Experiment with suppressing flash messages by default when following a redirect. This can be overridden by changing the forceFlashMessage option.
  • Restore the hScroller to the search tabs.
As before, this isn't everything. There are some bug fixes and tweaks that aren't covered here, plus some changes to things that aren't necessary public facing anyway or is still under development.
О том, что будет когда-то. :-)

Очередное обновление XenForo 2.0:

It's time for another development update to highlight what we've changed in the past two weeks.

The most noticeable changes are likely style/interface related. Some of these will be immediately apparent, but others are a lot more subtle:
  • Navigation has been changed to a "tab" style approach to more significantly connect to the sub-navigation. Icons have been removed and padding has been changed.
  • The darkening on the navigation row has been removed and only kept on the visitor-related links to separate them from the main navigation.
  • The position of the search and visitor-related links have been swapped.
  • Maintain the navigation row rather than the logo row on mobile (use media queries to display a small logo here).
  • Support a sticky navigation row/header. (This uses position: sticky when available to be more efficient and accurate. iOS is the best example of this.)
  • Adjusted padding, bottom border and hover styles for the sub-nav row.
  • Enlarge some clickable areas of the navigation row and add a bit of separation in other cases.
  • Adjusted off canvas navigation color and styling to be more consistent with the "main" navigation area.
  • Shift some of the header/navigation links outside of the default page edge padding so they align better visually (even with padding).
  • Take the forum list titles from "larger" to "large" text size.
  • Drop the "large" text size from 18px to 17px. (We still use this in thread list titles.)
  • Make the page title display in 24px normal weight font (rather than 30px light weight).
  • Re-add the bottom breadcrumb.
  • Ensure the footer always sticks to the bottom of the page (on recent browsers).
  • When the sidebar is pushed down and multiple sidebar elements now fit in a row, try to give a consistent height to all of the blocks for a more even look.
  • Very slight color tweaks: borders in general are slightly darker; the distinction between the content background, content background "neutral" and page background is slightly greater; muted text is slightly darker)
  • Drop the page edge padding to 10px (this is more noticeable on mobiles which have areas that push to the page edge).
  • Remove the "page edge liner" darkening on wide monitors. (Mostly due to z-index issues. It would need to be reapproached.)
  • Adjust "form section headers" to align more consistently with the labels (but still expand if needed).
  • Don't bold the last post date in unread threads.
  • Center align usernames and user titles in messages.
  • Make the message user info/message content border slightly stronger. Make the message signature border slightly stronger.
  • Make the message "action bar" one font size larger than it was.
  • Adjust quotes/BB code blocks to have a slightly larger orange border and a border to increase differentiation from the post. Quotes also default to "small" text.
  • Move the "preview" button from the submission row to closer to the message editor.
  • Adjust the styling on the attach/preview/insert quotes buttons to not grab attention compared to the form submission buttons.
  • Remove the "more options" links from quick reply as they now expose very few additional options (at best).
Some of the other more interesting changes include:
  • Profile posts in the sidebar widget are now height limited with a fade out. The full version can be seen by clicking the date or "interact" button.
  • Mention auto-completion in the rich text editor will now be positioned directly in line with the mention, provided there's space.
  • You can now drag text and HTML into the rich text editor. (Dragging within the editor is not currently supported.)
  • Expanded new posts widget display options to allow choice of display types: latest posts (read or unread), unread posts only, watched only (read or unread in watched threads/forums). Guests always see latest posts only.
  • Add support for passing explicit page context options into widgets (for example, passing the current thread) so they can react in a context sensitive manner if desired. Add some additional widget positions, support pushing widgets into a global sidebar (does not interfere with page-specific sidebars).
  • Support a new HTML widget that actually allows you to use XenForo template syntax. This can be used in fairly advanced ways to create more complex widgets or complex conditions over widgets.
  • Add a code editor when editing BB code media site templates. This is done via the <xf:codeeditorrow> tag.
  • Add a code editor to the rich text editor code overlay.
  • Add a button to insert inline code tags to the rich text editor.
  • Give options to choose from the various available languages in the code overlay (including dynamically switching the highlighting).
  • When displaying highlighted code in a message, give an indication of the code language in the upper right corner) and use a nicer syntax highlighting style.
And of course, the slightly more boring stuff:Посмотреть вложение 64130
  • The editor smilie list positioning has been changed so it isn't hidden when the editor is scrollable and the border doubling when re-closed has been resolved.
  • Some auto-complete issues have been resolved in mobile browsers.
  • Adjust the maximum height limit of the editor to handle small windows better. (And include iOS specific adjustments to account for the on-screen keyboard.)
  • Restored undo/redo editr buttons primarily for mobiles that don't have reasonable access to keyboard shortcuts.
  • Collapse list-related editor buttons into a single menu to avoid button wrapping on some tablets.
  • Make disabled editor buttons more faint and make the RTE disabled icon more visible when active.
  • Small improvements in the display of block link split toggles in older browsers.
  • Fix a few HTML validation issues.
  • Make sure we don't include itemprop attributes on avatars unless in a context where it makes sense.
  • Fix an issue where "view older results" in searches wouldn't maintain the search constraints correctly.
  • Support inline moderation actions on a few more pages.
  • Fix the lack of a trailing space when clicking on an auto-complete mention option.
  • Ensure that we don't re-focus the editor after submitting a quick reply.
  • Make sure that you can immediately type into the editor after dragging in an image or a file.
  • Focus the editor immediately when clicking the "quote" button on a post to ensure the keyboard appears on iOS.
  • Take steps to ensure that the cursor remains on screen when dynamically inserting content or pasting into the editor.
  • Take steps to ensure that the cursor remains on screen when the window is resized (particularly when an on-screen keyboard appears).
  • When choosing the delete draft button, ensure that the editor does not try to re-save that content unless you make a change.
  • Adjusted wordings where possible to use "latest" and "unread" wordings to be clearer about what's included. ("New posts" is intentionally ambiguous because of various filtering options.)
  • Reintroduce the log in/sign up button on threads and forums if you don't have permission to create content there to encourage registration.
  • Destroy the message preview container after submitting a quick reply so that any video inside it doesn't keep playing... and playing... and playing... Why did you embed a ?
  • Link some of the stats on the member tooltip.
  • Display awarded trophies on the profile about page.
  • Apply block--messages to conversations to be consistent with threads.
  • Fixed an issue where profile post comments tried to escape when a profile post was quick edited. Sneaky ones!
  • Rename some of our core CSS files to be clearer what's included globally (core.less and core_*.less files) and what is automatically included in app-specific areas (app.less and app_*.less files).
  • Remove a few of the less popular default custom fields (AIM, etc) from new installs.
  • Add a placeholder in quick search to the "by" field to make it clear that it wants member user name(s).
  • Adjust ajax form submission JS events to use the new "type:action" approach consistently (AjaxSubmitError to ajax-submit:error, for example).
  • Ensure that captchas refresh regardless of whether the form submission errors.
  • Shuffle the thread list icon order; watch will now always be the rightmost icon.
  • Kill the remaining references to our old border color system and standardize on the new "structural border" colors.
  • Link the entire "X said" text to the source message.
  • Provide a base class to shift active page anchors by the size of the sticky navigation to ensure the top of the content you're linked to doesn't go under the header.
  • Create a new system for dynamically loading the Facebook JS SDK on demand (such as when a Facebook video is embedded). This should be generalizable to other cases where we need to dynamically adjust external JS state/systems based on content in the page.
  • Determine workarounds for bugs in Chrome's current position sticky implementation and created reduced test cases so they can hopefully be fixed in a future release. Until then, position sticky usage has been disabled in Chrome.
  • In development mode, automatically write out an add-on-specific style_properties.less file to aid with auto-completion of style property references.
  • Give the quick reply submit row a specific variant class to more easily control the alignment of the submit button.
  • Add support for passing dynamic attribute lists into most of our form-related template elements.
  • Experiment with suppressing flash messages by default when following a redirect. This can be overridden by changing the forceFlashMessage option.
  • Restore the hScroller to the search tabs.
As before, this isn't everything. There are some bug fixes and tweaks that aren't covered here, plus some changes to things that aren't necessary public facing anyway or is still under development.
вот бы на русском было)
Да, было бы классно, согласен. :)
как бы что на буржойском, что на русском один хрен никто даже не знает когда девелопер версия уйдет
Наконец-то мы увидели штатную реализацию подсветки синтаксиса и выбора языка в модал окне
да таки это стоит чтоб обновить двиг до 2.0 и пофиг что стили работать будут через раз и аддоны через жопу.
не совсем увидили
Наконец-то мы увидели штатную реализацию подсветки синтаксиса и выбора языка в модал окне
Это не то. Это однострочный код, а так да, в целом имеется подсветка многих языков из коробки уже. :-)

как бы что на буржойском, что на русском один хрен никто даже не знает когда девелопер версия уйдет
И что? Теперь разрабам не править баги и не добавлять функции что ли? :-) Версия выйдет сразу, как только будет готова.
Последнее редактирование:
Это не то. Это однострочный код, а так да, в целом имеется подсветка многих языков из коробки уже. :-)
Перепутал со строчкой ниже)
Give options to choose from the various available languages in the code overlay (including dynamically switching the highlighting).
  • Мне нравится
Реакции: Hope
Вот официальный демо форум xenForo 2.0

Это для тех, кто в танке.
это все видели интересно бы увидеть девелопер версию
  • Мне нравится
Реакции: Len
Когда по вашему мнению можна будет полноценно переехать с 1.5.11 на 2.х.х?
1.5.12 будет, нет?
В этой теме нельзя размещать новые ответы.
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