Less для красивых баннеров групп c прогресс баром

Less для красивых баннеров групп c прогресс баром 2.0.0

Нет прав для скачивания
@fox-line: "/styles/fonts/foxline";

@font-face {
    font-family: 'foxLine';
    src:  url('@{fox-line}/foxLine.eot?txqim3');
    src:  url('@{fox-line}/foxLine.eot?txqim3#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),
        url('@{fox-line}/foxLine.ttf?txqim3') format('truetype'),
        url('@{fox-line}/foxLine.woff?txqim3') format('woff'),
        url('@{fox-line}/foxLine.svg?txqim3#foxLine') format('svg');
    font-weight: normal;
    font-style: normal;
    font-display: block;

.fox-bannerProgressLine(@numLine: 0; @startColor: false; @stopColor: false; @textColor: #fff; @strongColor: inherit; @bgColor: #292929; @textShadow: false; ) {
    .userBanner& {
        -webkit-box-shadow: 2px 2px 2px 0px #696969;
        box-shadow: 2px 2px 2px 0px #696969;
        padding: 5px;
        background: @bgColor;
        border-color: @bgColor;
        color: @textColor;
        text-align: left;
        letter-spacing: 0;
        margin-bottom: 4px;
        text-transform: uppercase;
        font-size: 10px;
        position: relative;
        border-radius: 0;
        min-width: 160px;

        strong {
            color: @strongColor;

        & when (@textShadow) {
            text-shadow: 0 0 2px;

        & when not (@numLine = false) and (@numLine <= 7) {
            @startBgColor: #fc4330;
            @stopBgColor: #cccccc;
            @startPercentColor: @numLine * 14.2%;
            @stopPercentColor: 0%;
            padding: 9px 5px 5px;

            .userBanner-before {
                position: absolute;
                display: block;
                top: 1px;
                left: -1px;

                &:before {
                    font-family: 'foxLine';
                    content: "\ea0b\ea0b\ea0b\ea0b\ea0b\ea0b\ea0b";
                    font-size: 2.2em;
                    font-style: normal;
                    font-weight: 400;
                    text-rendering: auto;
                    -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
                    -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;
                    line-height: 0;
                    letter-spacing: 1px;
                    & when (iscolor(@startColor)) and (iscolor(@stopColor)) {
                        background: linear-gradient(90deg, @startColor @startPercentColor, @stopColor @stopPercentColor);
                    & when (@startColor = false) and (@stopColor = false) {
                        background: linear-gradient(90deg, @startBgColor @startPercentColor, @stopBgColor @stopPercentColor);
                    & when (@startColor = false) and (iscolor(@stopColor)){
                        background: linear-gradient(90deg, @startBgColor @startPercentColor, @stopColor @stopPercentColor);
                    & when (iscolor(@startColor)) and (@stopColor = false) {
                        background: linear-gradient(90deg, @startColor @startPercentColor, @stopBgColor @stopPercentColor);
                    -webkit-background-clip: text;
                    -webkit-text-fill-color: transparent;
                    border-image-slice: 1;

        .userBanner-after:after {
            float: right;
            content: 'fox.dev';

.userBanner--staff {
    .fox-bannerProgressLine(false; false; false; white; white; #292929; true);

.userBanner--red {
    .fox-bannerProgressLine(7; false; false; white; white; #185886; false);

@fox-line: "/styles/fonts/foxline";

@font-face {
    font-family: 'foxLine';
    src:  url('@{fox-line}/foxLine.eot?txqim3');
    src:  url('@{fox-line}/foxLine.eot?txqim3#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),
        url('@{fox-line}/foxLine.ttf?txqim3') format('truetype'),
        url('@{fox-line}/foxLine.woff?txqim3') format('woff'),
        url('@{fox-line}/foxLine.svg?txqim3#foxLine') format('svg');
    font-weight: normal;
    font-style: normal;
    font-display: block;

.fox-bannerProgressLine(@numLine: 0; @startColor: false; @stopColor: false; @textColor: #fff; @strongColor: inherit; @bgColor: #292929; @textShadow: false; ) {
    .userBanner& { 
        -webkit-box-shadow: 2px 2px 2px 0px #696969;
        box-shadow: 2px 2px 2px 0px #696969;
        padding: 5px;
        background: @bgColor;
        border-color: @bgColor;
        color: @textColor;
        text-align: left;
        letter-spacing: 0;
        margin-bottom: 4px;
        text-transform: uppercase;
        font-size: 10px;
        position: relative;
        border-radius: 0;
        min-width: 161px;

        strong {
            color: @strongColor;

        & when (@textShadow) {
            text-shadow: 0 0 2px;

        & when not (@numLine = false) and (@numLine <= 7) {
            @startBgColor: #fc4330;
            @stopBgColor: #cccccc;
            @startPercentColor: @numLine * 14.2%;
            @stopPercentColor: 0%;
            padding: 9px 5px 5px;

            .userBanner-before {
                position: absolute;
                display: block;
                top: 1px;
                left: -1px;
                background-color: black;
                height: 6px;
                border-top: 1.9px solid transparent;

                &:before {
                    font-family: 'foxLine';
                    content: "\ea0b\ea0b\ea0b\ea0b\ea0b\ea0b\ea0b";
                    font-size: 2.2em;
                    font-style: normal;
                    font-weight: 400;
                    text-rendering: auto;
                    -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
                    -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;
                    line-height: 0;
                    letter-spacing: 1px;
                    & when (iscolor(@startColor)) and (iscolor(@stopColor)) {
                        background: linear-gradient(90deg, @startColor @startPercentColor, @stopColor @stopPercentColor);
                    & when (@startColor = false) and (@stopColor = false) {
                        background: linear-gradient(90deg, @startBgColor @startPercentColor, @stopBgColor @stopPercentColor);
                    & when (@startColor = false) and (iscolor(@stopColor)){
                        background: linear-gradient(90deg, @startBgColor @startPercentColor, @stopColor @stopPercentColor);
                    & when (iscolor(@startColor)) and (@stopColor = false) {
                        background: linear-gradient(90deg, @startColor @startPercentColor, @stopBgColor @stopPercentColor);
                    -webkit-background-clip: text;
                    -webkit-text-fill-color: transparent;
                    border-image-slice: 1;

        .userBanner-after:after {
            float: right;
            content: 'fox.dev';

.userBanner--staff {
    .fox-bannerProgressLine(false; false; false; white; white; #292929; true);

.userBanner--red {
    .fox-bannerProgressLine(4; #46a7eb; #e7e8ea; white; white; #185886; false);
@fox-line: "/styles/fonts/foxline";
@font-face {
    font-family: 'foxLine';
    src:  url('@{fox-line}/foxLine.eot?txqim3');
    src:  url('@{fox-line}/foxLine.eot?txqim3#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),
        url('@{fox-line}/foxLine.ttf?txqim3') format('truetype'),
        url('@{fox-line}/foxLine.woff?txqim3') format('woff'),
        url('@{fox-line}/foxLine.svg?txqim3#foxLine') format('svg');
    font-weight: normal;
    font-style: normal;
    font-display: block;

.fox-bannerProgressLine(@numLine: 0; @startColor: false; @stopColor: false; @textColor: #fff; @strongColor: inherit; @bgColor: #292929; @textShadow: false; ) {
    .userBanner& {
        -webkit-box-shadow: 2px 2px 2px 0px #696969;
        box-shadow: 2px 2px 2px 0px #696969;
        padding: 5px;
        background: @bgColor;
        border-color: @bgColor;
        color: @textColor;
        text-align: left;
        letter-spacing: 0;
        margin-bottom: 4px;
        text-transform: uppercase;
        font-size: 10px;
        position: relative;
        border-radius: 0;
        min-width: 160px;

        strong {
            color: @strongColor;

        & when (@textShadow) {
            text-shadow: 0 0 2px;

        & when not (@numLine = false) and (@numLine <= 7) {
            @startBgColor: #fc4330;
            @stopBgColor: #cccccc;
            @stopPercentColor: 0%;
            @startPercentColor: @numLine * 14.2%;
            & when (@numLine >= 1) {
                @stopPercentColor: (@numLine * 10%) + 4;
            & when (iscolor(@startColor)) {
                @startBgColor: @startColor;
            & when (iscolor(@stopColor)) {
                @stopBgColor: @stopColor;
            padding: 9px 5px 5px;

            .userBanner-before {
                position: absolute;
                display: block;
                top: 1px;
                left: -1px;

                &:before {
                    font-family: 'foxLine';
                    content: "\ea0b\ea0b\ea0b\ea0b\ea0b\ea0b\ea0b";
                    font-size: 2.2em;
                    font-style: normal;
                    font-weight: 400;
                    text-rendering: auto;
                    -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
                    -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;
                    line-height: 0;
                    letter-spacing: 1px;
                    background: linear-gradient(90deg, @startBgColor @startPercentColor, @stopBgColor @stopPercentColor);
                    -webkit-background-clip: text;
                    -webkit-text-fill-color: transparent;
                    border-image-slice: 1;

        .userBanner-after:after {
            float: right;
            content: 'fox.dev';

.userBanner--staff {
    .fox-bannerProgressLine(false; false; false; white; white; #292929; true);
.userBanner--red {
    .fox-bannerProgressLine(7; false; false; white; white; #292929; true);
Сверху Снизу