[TH] User Improvements

[TH] User Improvements 1.3.0 Patch Level 9

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  • Добавление новых функций
  • Исправление ошибок
  • Список изменений и улучшений на английском под спойлером
Bugfixes & Changes
  • Fixed a bug that would throw an error if the trophy showcase on postbit was enabled and the user of the post was deleted.
  • Fixed account reactivation container message styling.
  • Fixed account deactivation container message styling.
  • Latest reactivation date is now hidden on the account reactivation page, if it's further than two years in the future.
  • Changed "unlimited" reactivation time to work as effectively 5 years reactivation time (pretty realistically, after 5 years no one is gonna reactivate their account anymore, and it also solves the pretty annoying number bug that keeps popping up for people that use outdated php and/or mysql versions)
Bugfixes & Changes
  • Fixed a bug that would throw a number of undefined index errors when a user opened his trophy tab or popup in the profile.
Bugfixes & Changes
  • Trophy points are now shown as short numbers with tooltips to improve overall readability.
  • Now shows totals for all trophy categories on the trophy help page.

Important: You may not upgrade to this version from a Beta-Version. If you're still running a Beta version of this add-on, it is mandatory that you upgrade to version 1.0.0 first. You can download it from the history tab.

Bugfixes & Changes
  • Fixed a bug that would show a numeric error if a user tried to deactivate his account.
  • Fixed a bug that would eventually prevent criteria to be checked correctly if using criteria from other add-ons.
  • Added a bunch of missing phrases.
  • You may now split of the trophy list in the user profile about tab into a separate tab inside the member profile. To do so, activate the new option in the user trophies options.
  • You may now manually reward trophies to users. Manually rewarding trophies in this way will skip the criteria check and reward the trophies even if the user(s) in question do not meet the required criteria.
Bugfixes & Changes
  • Fixed a bug that would throw an error when attempting to create a trophy while this add-on was disabled.
  • No longer shows the user name history dropdown arrow if there are no existing records of user name changes.
  • Now correctly saves the old instead of the new user name into the user name change history. Old data is unfortunately not recoverable.
  • Renamed the user name change history dropdown title to 'Also known as' and prefixed the date with an 'until' to improve readability.
Important: You may not upgrade to this version from a Beta-Version. If you're still running a Beta version of this add-on, it is mandatory that you upgrade to version 1.0.0 first. You can download it from the history tab.

Bugfixes & Changes
  • Changed the Amazon connected account provider setup phrases to actually match Amazons service instead of Battle.net.
  • Changed all internal connected account provider IDs to prevent incompatibility with other add-ons that also implement these connected account providers.
    • Please note: If you're experiencing any trouble after updating from 1.0.0 to 1.1.0 with your connected account provider setup, please reinstall this add-on. I've implemented the update procedure in three different ways, but it might still happen that you run into
    • If you have taken any steps to provide manual compatibility, this update will likely break something, so ensure to take the necessary steps to prevent this from happening.
New Functionalities
  • Trophy showcases have been added. You can activate the trophy showcase from the options section.
    • Trophy showcases are currently available for message postbits and member profiles. They share their setup in terms of how the trophies to be picked are determined.
    • The number of trophies shown in the showcase is managed through the XF permission system. There is a permission for each location to determine how many trophies should be shown there.
    • A number of style properties have been added to aid you in styling your trophy showcase to your liking.
  • Added a bunch of user criteria that are related to functionality provided by this add-on, including:
    • User has (no) user name color
    • User has at least X profile views
    • User has no more than X profile views
    • User has changed his name at least X times
    • User has changed his name no more than X times
  • Trophy icons now support custom inline css. You may add any inline-css to a trophy icon when editing the trophy. Inline css applies to all: Font Awesome Icons, images and the simple trophy points display.
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Реакции: Captain, Len и k0stet
  • Исправление ошибок
  • Совместимость со сторонними дополнениями
  • Прочие улучшения и изменения
  • Мне нравится
Реакции: Captain
  • Исправление ошибок
  • Прочие изменения и улучшения
  • Мне нравится
Реакции: Captain
  • Исправление заявленных ошибок
  • Мне нравится
Реакции: Captain
  • Исправление ошибок
  • За предоставленное обновление благодарим пользователя SkyLoKi
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Реакции: Captain
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