Tools Bar -

Tools Bar - 3.0.0

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Совместимость с XenForo
  1. 1.4
  2. 1.5
Видимый копирайт
Вы можете использовать до 10 блоков.

Для каждого блока, вы можете:

- Включить блок
- Font Awesome (Вы можете выбрать свой Font Awesome среди 605 доступных на: )
- Подсказка (это текст, который отображается при наведении курсора на блок)
- Ссылка (для блока и подсказки)

Для просмотра этого контента нам потребуется ваше согласие на установку файлов cookie третьих лиц.
Более подробную информацию можно найти на нашей странице cookie.

Everything is customizable! - The accent on this add-on was concerned the customization. Almost all the parts are configurable. Each block is bound to a style property. (Total 32 Style Properties!)

A Usergroup permission allows you to set who can see the ToolsBar.

You can also choose the color of each Font Awesome for style properties

Style properties allow you to customize the arrow that displays tooltips

To simplify use, we add tabs in the add-on options in order to easily edit each block.

We've added an animation on the Toolbar to every page load (Deactivable)

You can change the size, background color, color on hover to each block!

On every block, you can add a tooltip of your choice and even add a link to a block.

Alert (Tooltip), this will highlight blocks to encourage people to click on it. This system uses Font Awesome, you can choose a different Font Awesome for each alert of each block. - NEW v2.0.0

Fully Responsive ! - NEW v2.0.0

2 positions: To the left or right - NEW v2.0.0

The tooltip disappears after passing the cursor over the icon - A cookie has been added to manage the time during which the balloon is kept hidden (hours). After the time specified by the administrateur in the add-on options, tooltips will be displayed again - NEW 2.1.0


- Enable ToolsBar
- Display on All Pages (Un-check for display the ToolsBar on ly in Threads)
- Enable Uppercase (You choose to display the text in the tooltip uppercase or lowercase)
- Enable the ToolsBar Animation
- Separation Block (By default the blocks are glued together, you can create a space if necessary)
- Width / Height Blocks (Determine the Width/Height of the blocks)
- Font Awesome Size (Determine the Font Awesome size of the blocks)
- Opacity
- Vertical Position (Determine the space between the top of the forum and the top of the ToolsBar)
- Position: Left or right - NEW v2.0.0
- Responsive mode (Determine the opacity for responsive mode) - NEW v2.0.0
- Alert (Tooltip) for each block (Customizable with Style Property) - NEW v2.0.0
- Cookie Hour - You determine the time for which the tooltip (alert) disappears after passing the cursor on the block - NEW v2.1.0

left.png right.png Screenshot_1.png Screenshot_2.png Screenshot_3.png Screenshot_4.png Screenshot_5.png Screenshot_6.png Screenshot_15.png
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  1. Обновление 3.0.0

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