Ошибка - "Fatal error: Class 'Zend_Registry' not found in"


Hope , день добрый. прошу помочь с ошибкой "Fatal error: Class 'Zend_Registry' not found in /library/XenForo/Application.php on line 12".

К БД подцепил.


if (!defined('XENFORO_AUTOLOADER_SETUP')) { die('No access.'); }

* Base XenForo application class. Sets up the environment as necessary and acts as the
* registry for the application. Can broker to the autoload as well.
* @package XenForo_Core
class XenForo_Application extends Zend_Registry

   const URL_ID_DELIMITER = '.';

    * Current printable and encoded versions. These are used for visual output
    * and installation/upgrading.
    * @var string
    * @var integer
   public static $version = '1.2.4';
   public static $versionId = 1020470; // abbccde = a.b.c d (alpha: 1, beta: 3, RC: 5, stable: 7, PL: 9) e

    * JavaScript cache buster variable
    * @var string
   public static $jsVersion = '';

    * jQuery version currently in use. See XenForo_Dependencies_Public::getJquerySource()
    * @var string
   public static $jQueryVersion = '1.10.2';

   * Path to directory containing the application's configuration file(s).
   * @var string
   protected $_configDir = '.';

   * Path to applications root directory. Specific directories will be looked for within this.
   * @var string
   protected $_rootDir = '.';

   * Stores whether the application has been initialized yet.
   * @var boolean
   protected $_initialized = false;

   * Un-used lazy loaders for the registry. When a lazy loader is called, it
   * is removed from the list. Key is the index and value is an array:
   *  0 => callback
   *  1 => array of arguments
   * @var array
   protected $_lazyLoaders = array();

    * If true, any PHP errors/warnings/notices that come up will be handled
    * by our error handler. Otherwise, they will be deferred to any previously
    * registered handler (probably PHP's).
    * @var boolean
   protected static $_handlePhpError = true;

    * Controls whether the application is in debug mode.
    * @var boolean
   protected static $_debug;

    * Cache of random data. String of hex characters.
    * @var string
   protected static $_randomData = '';

    * Cache of dynamic inheritance classes and what they resolve to.
    * @var array
   protected static $_classCache = array();

    * Unix timestamp representing the current webserver date and time.
    * This should be used whenever 'now' needs to be referred to.
    * @var integer
   public static $time = 0;

    * Hostname of the server
    * @var string
   public static $host = 'localhost';

    * Are we using SSL?
    * @var boolean
   public static $secure = false;

    * Value we can use as a sentinel to stand for variable integer values
    * @var string
   public static $integerSentinel = '{{sentinel}}';

    * Relative path to the thumbnails / avatars (etc.) directory from the base installation directory.
    * Must be web accessible and server-writable.
    * Examples 'data', 'foo/bar/data', '../path/to/thingy'.
    * @var string
   public static $externalDataPath = 'data';

    * URL to the thumbnails /avatars (etc.) directory. Can be relative or absolute, but must
    * point to the web-accessible location referred-to by $externalDataPath.
    * @var string
   public static $externalDataUrl = 'data';

    * URL to the location where XenForo's Javascript directories are located.
    * Can be absolute or relative.
    * @var string
   public static $javaScriptUrl = 'js';

    * Provides some configuration options to the initialization process.
    * @var array
   protected static $_initConfig = array(
     'undoMagicQuotes' => true,
     'setMemoryLimit' => true,
     'resetOutputBuffering' => true

   * Begin the application. This causes the environment to be setup as necessary.
   * @param string Path to application configuration directory. See {@link $_configDir}.
   * @param string Path to application root directory. See {@link $_rootDir}.
   * @param boolean True to load default data (config, DB, etc)
   public function beginApplication($configDir = '.', $rootDir = '.', $loadDefaultData = true)
     if ($this->_initialized)

     if (self::$_initConfig['undoMagicQuotes'] && function_exists('get_magic_quotes_gpc') && get_magic_quotes_gpc())
     if (function_exists('get_magic_quotes_runtime') && get_magic_quotes_runtime())

     if (self::$_initConfig['setMemoryLimit'])
       self::setMemoryLimit(128 * 1024 * 1024);


     if (self::$_initConfig['resetOutputBuffering'])
       @ini_set('output_buffering', false);

       // see http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=36514
       // and http://xenforo.com/community/threads/53637/
       if (!@ini_get('output_handler'))
         $level = ob_get_level();
         while ($level)
           $newLevel = ob_get_level();
           if ($newLevel >= $level)
           $level = $newLevel;

     error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT & ~8192);
     set_error_handler(array('XenForo_Application', 'handlePhpError'));
     set_exception_handler(array('XenForo_Application', 'handleException'));
     register_shutdown_function(array('XenForo_Application', 'handleFatalError'));

     //@ini_set('pcre.backtrack_limit', 1000000);


     self::$time = time();

     self::$host = (empty($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) ? '' : $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);

     self::$secure = (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on');


     $this->_configDir = $configDir;
     $this->_rootDir = $rootDir;
     $this->addLazyLoader('requestPaths', array($this, 'loadRequestPaths'));

     if ($loadDefaultData)

     $this->_initialized = true;

    * Loads the default data for the application (config, DB, options, etc).
   public function loadDefaultData()
     $config = $this->loadConfig();
     self::set('config', $config);
     self::$jsVersion = substr(md5(self::$versionId . $config->jsVersion), 0, 8);
     self::$externalDataPath = (string)$config->externalDataPath;
     self::$externalDataUrl = (string)$config->externalDataUrl;
     self::$javaScriptUrl = (string)$config->javaScriptUrl;

     $this->addLazyLoader('db', array($this, 'loadDb'), $config->db);
     $this->addLazyLoader('cache', array($this, 'loadCache'), $config->cache);
     $this->addLazyLoader('options', array($this, 'loadOptions'));
     $this->addLazyLoader('simpleCache', array($this, 'loadSimpleCache'));

   * Helper function to initialize the application.
   * @param string Path to application configuration directory. See {@link $_configDir}.
   * @param string Path to application root directory. See {@link $_rootDir}.
   * @param boolean True to load default data (config, DB, etc)
   * @param array Changes to the initialization process
   public static function initialize($configDir = '.', $rootDir = '.', $loadDefaultData = true, array $initChanges = array())
     self::getInstance()->beginApplication($configDir, $rootDir, $loadDefaultData);

    * Merges changes into the init configuration.
    * @param array $changes
   public static function changeInitConfig(array $changes)
     if ($changes)
       self::$_initConfig = array_merge(self::$_initConfig, $changes);

    * Handler for set_error_handler to convert notices, warnings, and other errors
    * into exceptions.
    * @param integer $errorType Type of error (one of the E_* constants)
    * @param string $errorString
    * @param string $file
    * @param integer $line
   public static function handlePhpError($errorType, $errorString, $file, $line)
     if (!self::$_handlePhpError)
       return false;

     if ($errorType & error_reporting())
       $trigger = true;
       if (!self::debugMode())
         if ($errorType & E_STRICT
           || (defined('E_DEPRECATED') && $errorType & E_DEPRECATED)
           || (defined('E_USER_DEPRECATED') && $errorType & E_USER_DEPRECATED))
           $trigger = false;
         else if ($errorType & E_NOTICE || $errorType & E_USER_NOTICE)
           $trigger = false;
           $e = new ErrorException($errorString, 0, $errorType, $file, $line);
           XenForo_Error::logException($e, false);

       if ($trigger)
         throw new ErrorException($errorString, 0, $errorType, $file, $line);

    * Disables our PHP error handler, in favor of a previously registered one
    * (or the default PHP error handler).
   public static function disablePhpErrorHandler()
     self::$_handlePhpError = false;

    * Enables our PHP error handler.
   public static function enablePhpErrorHandler()
     self::$_handlePhpError = true;

    * Default exception handler.
    * @param Exception $e
   public static function handleException(Exception $e)

    * Try to log fatal errors so that debugging is easier.
   public static function handleFatalError()
     $error = @error_get_last();
     if (!$error)

     if (empty($error['type']) || !($error['type'] & (E_ERROR | E_PARSE | E_CORE_ERROR | E_COMPILE_ERROR | E_USER_ERROR)))

         new ErrorException("Fatal Error: " . $error['message'], $error['type'], 1, $error['file'], $error['line'])
     catch (Exception $e) {}

    * Returns true if the application is in debug mode.
    * @return boolean
   public static function debugMode()
     return self::$_debug;

    * Sets the debug mode value.
    * @param boolean $debug
   public static function setDebugMode($debug)
     self::$_debug = (boolean)$debug;

     if (self::$_debug)
       @ini_set('display_errors', true);

    * Determines whether we should try to write to the development files.
    * @return boolean
   public static function canWriteDevelopmentFiles()
     return (self::debugMode() && XenForo_Application::get('config')->development->directory);

    * Resolves dynamic, run time inheritance for the specified class.
    * The classes to be loaded for this base class are grabbed via the event.
    * These classes must inherit from from XFCP_x, which is a non-existant
    * class that is dynamically created, inheriting from the correct class
    * as needed.
    * If a fake base is needed when the base class doesn't exist, and there
    * are no classes extending it, false will still be returned! This prevents
    * an unnecessary eval.
    * @param string $class Name of class
    * @param string $type Type of class (for determining event to fire)
    * @param string|false $fakeBase If the specified class doesn't exist, an alternative base can be specified
    * @return false|string False or name of class to instantiate
   public static function resolveDynamicClass($class, $type = '', $fakeBase = false)
     if (!$class)
       return false;

     if (!XenForo_Application::autoload($class))
       if ($fakeBase)
         $fakeNeeded = true;
         return false;
       $fakeNeeded = false;

     if (!empty(self::$_classCache[$class]))
       return self::$_classCache[$class];

     $createClass = $class;

     $extend = array();
     XenForo_CodeEvent::fire('load_class', array($class, &$extend), $class);
     if ($type)
       XenForo_CodeEvent::fire('load_class_' . $type, array($class, &$extend), $class);

     if ($fakeNeeded)
       if (!$extend)
         return false;

       eval('class ' . $class . ' extends ' . $fakeBase . ' {}');

     if ($extend)
         foreach ($extend AS $dynamicClass)
           if (preg_match('/[;,$\/#"\'\.()]/', $dynamicClass))

           // XenForo Class Proxy, in case you're wondering
           $proxyClass = 'XFCP_' . $dynamicClass;
           $namespaceEval = '';

           $nsSplit = strrpos($dynamicClass, '\\');
           if ($nsSplit !== false && $ns = substr($dynamicClass, 0, $nsSplit))
             $namespaceEval = "namespace $ns; ";
             $proxyClass = 'XFCP_' . substr($dynamicClass, $nsSplit + 1);
             $createClass = '\\' . $createClass;

           eval($namespaceEval . 'class ' . $proxyClass . ' extends ' . $createClass . ' {}');
           $createClass = $dynamicClass;
       catch (Exception $e)
         self::$_classCache[$class] = $class;
         throw $e;

     self::$_classCache[$class] = $createClass;
     return $createClass;

    * Resets the dynamic resolution class cache, in case the listeners/settings
    * have changed within a request.
   public function resetDynamicClassCache()
     self::$_classCache = array();

   * Gets the path to the configuration directory.
   * @return string
   public function getConfigDir()
     return $this->_configDir;

   * Gets the path to the application root directory.
   * @return string
   public function getRootDir()
     return $this->_rootDir;

   * Load the configuration file. Mixes in over top of the default values. Provided
   * a default is specified in {@link loadDefaultConfig}, all elements available
   * to the config will always be defined. Non-default elements may still be defined
   * in the loaded configuration.
   * @return Zend_Config
   public function loadConfig()
     if (file_exists($this->_configDir . '/config.php'))
       $defaultConfig = $this->loadDefaultConfig();

       $config = array();
       require($this->_configDir . '/config.php');

       $outputConfig = new Zend_Config(array(), true);
        ->merge(new Zend_Config($config))
       return $outputConfig;
       if (XenForo_Model::create('XenForo_Install_Model_Install')->isInstalled())
         // TODO: ideally, we want a better way to display a fatal error like this
         echo "Couldn't load library/config.php file.";
         header('Location: install/index.php');

   * Load the default configuration. User-specified versions will override this.
   * @return Zend_Config
   public function loadDefaultConfig()
     return new Zend_Config(array(
       'db' => array(
         'adapter' => 'mysqli',
         'host' => 'localhost',
         'port' => '3306',
         'username' => '',
         'password' => '',
         'dbname' => '',
         'adapterNamespace' => 'Zend_Db_Adapter'
       'cache' => array(
         'enabled' => false,
         'cacheSessions' => false,
         'frontend' => 'core',
         'frontendOptions' => array(
           'caching' => true,
           'cache_id_prefix' => 'xf_'
         'backend' => 'file',
         'backendOptions' => array(
           'file_name_prefix' => 'xf_'
       'debug' => false,
       'enableListeners' => true,
       'development' => array(
         'directory' => '', // relative to the configuration directory
         'default_addon' => ''
       'superAdmins' => '1',
       'globalSalt' => '7103e44aab2fe55714eba113fac77783',
       'jsVersion' => '',
       'cookie' => array(
         'prefix' => 'xf_',
         'path' => '/',
         'domain' => ''
       'enableMail' => true,
       'enableMailQueue' => true,
       'internalDataPath' => 'internal_data',
       'externalDataPath' => 'data',
       'externalDataUrl' => 'data',
       'javaScriptUrl' => 'js',
       'checkVersion' => true,
       'enableGzip' => true,
       'enableContentLength' => true,
       'adminLogLength' => 60, // number of days to keep admin log entries
       'chmodWritableValue' => 0,
       'rebuildMaxExecution' => 10,
       'passwordIterations' => 10,
       'enableTemplateModificationCallbacks' => true,
       'enableClickjackingProtection' => true,
       'maxImageResizePixelCount' => 20000000

   * Load the database object.
   * @param Zend_Configuration Configuration to use
   * @return Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract
   public function loadDb(Zend_Config $dbConfig)
     $db = Zend_Db::factory($dbConfig->adapter,
         'host' => $dbConfig->host,
         'port' => $dbConfig->port,
         'username' => $dbConfig->username,
         'password' => $dbConfig->password,
         'dbname' => $dbConfig->dbname,
         'adapterNamespace' => $dbConfig->adapterNamespace,
         'charset' => 'utf8'

     switch (get_class($db))
       case 'Zend_Db_Adapter_Mysqli':
         $db->getConnection()->query("SET @@session.sql_mode='STRICT_ALL_TABLES'");
       case 'Zend_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Mysql':
         $db->getConnection()->exec("SET @@session.sql_mode='STRICT_ALL_TABLES'");

     if (self::debugMode())

     return $db;

   * Load the cache object.
   * @param Zend_Configuration Configuration to use
   * @return Zend_Cache_Core|Zend_Cache_Frontend|false
   public function loadCache(Zend_Config $cacheConfig)
     if (!$cacheConfig->enabled)
       return false;

     return Zend_Cache::factory(

   * Loads the list of options from the cache if possible and rebuilds
   * it from the DB if necessary.
   * @return XenForo_Options
   public function loadOptions()
     $options = XenForo_Model::create('XenForo_Model_DataRegistry')->get('options');
     if (!is_array($options))
       $options = XenForo_Model::create('XenForo_Model_Option')->rebuildOptionCache();

     $optionsObj = new XenForo_Options($options);

     return $optionsObj;

    * Setup necessary system defaults based on the options.
    * @param XenForo_Options $options
   public static function setDefaultsFromOptions(XenForo_Options $options)
     if ($options->useFriendlyUrls)
     if ($options->romanizeUrls)
     if ($options->indexRoute && preg_match('/^[a-z0-9-]/i', $options->indexRoute))

     self::$jsVersion = substr(md5(self::$jsVersion . $options->jsLastUpdate), 0, 8);

    * Loads the request paths from a default request object.
    * @return array
   public function loadRequestPaths()
     return self::getRequestPaths(new Zend_Controller_Request_Http());

    * Gets the request paths from the specified request object.
    * @param Zend_Controller_Request_Http $request
    * @return array Keys: basePath, host, protocol, fullBasePath, requestUri
   public static function getRequestPaths(Zend_Controller_Request_Http $request)
     $basePath = $request->getBasePath();
     if ($basePath === '' || substr($basePath, -1) != '/')
       $basePath .= '/';

     $host = $request->getServer('HTTP_HOST');
     if (!$host)
       $host = $request->getServer('SERVER_NAME');
       $serverPort = intval($request->getServer('SERVER_PORT'));
       if ($serverPort && $serverPort != 80 && $serverPort != 443)
         $host .= ':' . $serverPort;

     $protocol = ($request->isSecure() ? 'https' : 'http');

     $requestUri = $request->getRequestUri();

     return array(
       'basePath' => $basePath,
       'host' => $host,
       'protocol' => $protocol,
       'fullBasePath' => $protocol . '://' . $host . $basePath,
       'requestUri' => $requestUri,
       'fullUri' => $protocol . '://' . $host . $requestUri

   * Add a lazy loader to the application registry. This lazy loader callback
   * will be called if the specified index is not in the registry.
   * The 3rd argument and on will be passed to the lazy loader callback.
   * @param string  Index to assign lazy loader to
   * @param callback Callback to call when triggered
   public function addLazyLoader($index, $callback)
     if (!is_callable($callback, true))
       throw new Zend_Exception("Invalid callback for lazy loading '$index'");

     $arguments = array_slice(func_get_args(), 2);

     $this->_lazyLoaders[$index] = array($callback, $arguments);

   * Removes the lazy loader from the specified index.
   * @param string Index to remove from
   * @return boolean
   public function removeLazyLoader($index)
     if (isset($this->_lazyLoaders[$index]))
       return true;
       return false;

    * Loads simple cache data from the source.
    * @return array
   public function loadSimpleCache()
     $return = XenForo_Model::create('XenForo_Model_DataRegistry')->get('simpleCache');
     return (is_array($return) ? $return : array());

    * Gets the specified simple cache data. The simple cache is for data that you want
    * available on on pages, but don't need to special rebuild behaviors for.
    * @param string $key
    * @return mixed|false False if not in the cache
   public static function getSimpleCacheData($key)
     $cache = self::get('simpleCache');
     return (isset($cache[$key]) ? $cache[$key] : false);

    * Sets the specified simple cache data. This data will be persisted over pages
    * indefinitely. Values of false will remove the cache data.
    * @param string $key
    * @param mixed $value If false, the specified cache key is removed
   public static function setSimpleCacheData($key, $value)
     $cache = self::get('simpleCache');
     if ($value === false)
       $cache[$key] = $value;

     XenForo_Model::create('XenForo_Model_DataRegistry')->set('simpleCache', $cache);
     self::set('simpleCache', $cache);

   * Execute lazy loader for an index if there is one. The loaded data is returned
   * via a reference parameter, not the return value of the method. The return
   * value is true only if the lazy loader was executed.
   * Once called, the data is set to the registry and the lazy loader is removed.
   * @param string Index to lazy load
   * @param mixed  By ref; data returned by lazy loader
   * @return boolean True if a lazy loader was called
   public function lazyLoad($index, &$return)
     if (isset($this->_lazyLoaders[$index]))
       $lazyLoader = $this->_lazyLoaders[$index];

       $return = call_user_func_array($lazyLoader[0], $lazyLoader[1]);

       $this->offsetSet($index, $return);

       return true;
       return false;

   * getter method, basically same as offsetGet().
   * This method can be called from an object of type Zend_Registry, or it
   * can be called statically.  In the latter case, it uses the default
   * static instance stored in the class.
   * @param string $index - get the value associated with $index
   * @return mixed
   * @throws Zend_Exception if no entry is registerd for $index.
   public static function get($index)
     /** @var $instance XenForo_Application */
     $instance = self::getInstance();

     if (!$instance->offsetExists($index))
       if ($instance->lazyLoad($index, $return))
         return $return;
         throw new Zend_Exception("No entry is registered for key '$index'");

     return $instance->offsetGet($index);

    * Attempts to get the specified index. If it cannot be found, the callback
    * is called and the result from the callback is set into the registry for that
    * index.
    * @param string $index Index to look for
    * @param callback $callback Callback function to call if not found
    * @param array $args Arguments to pass to callback
    * @return mixed
   public static function getWithFallback($index, $callback, array $args = array())
     if (self::isRegistered($index))
       return self::get($index);
       $result = call_user_func_array($callback, $args);
       self::set($index, $result);
       return $result;

   * Helper method to autoload a class. Could simply call the autoloader directly
   * but this method is recommended to reduce dependencies.
   * @param string $class Class to load
   * @return boolean
   public static function autoload($class)
     return XenForo_Autoloader::getInstance()->autoload($class);

   * Helper method to remove the result of magic_quotes_gpc being applied to the
   * input super globals
   * @param array The array to have slashes stripped, this is passed by reference
   * @param integer Recursion depth to prevent malicious use
   public static function undoMagicQuotes(&$array, $depth = 0)
     if ($depth > 10 || !is_array($array))

     foreach ($array AS $key => $value)
       if (is_array($value))
         self::undoMagicQuotes($array[$key], $depth + 1);
         $array[$key] = stripslashes($value);

       if (is_string($key))
         $new_key = stripslashes($key);
         if ($new_key != $key)
           $array[$new_key] = $array[$key];

    * Gzips the given content if the browser supports it.
    * @param string $content Content to gzip; this will be modified if necessary
    * @return array List of HTTP headers to add
   public static function gzipContentIfSupported(&$content)
     if (@ini_get('zlib.output_compression') || @ini_get('output_handler'))
       return array();

     if (!function_exists('gzencode') || empty($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING']))
       return array();

     if (!is_string($content))
       return array();

     if (!self::get('config')->enableGzip)
       return array();

     $headers = array();

     if (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'], 'gzip') !== false)
       $headers[] = array('Content-Encoding', 'gzip', true);
       $headers[] = array('Vary', 'Accept-Encoding', false);

       $content = gzencode($content, 1);

     return $headers;

    * Returns a version of the input $data that contains only the array keys defined in $keys
    * Example: arrayFilterKeys(array('a' => 1, 'b' => 2, 'c' => 3), array('b', 'c'))
    * Returns: array('b' => 2, 'c' => 3)
    * @param array $data
    * @param array $keys
    * @return array $data
   public static function arrayFilterKeys(array $data, array $keys)
     // this version will not warn on undefined indexes: return array_intersect_key($data, array_flip($keys));

     $array = array();

     foreach ($keys AS $key)
       $array[$key] = $data[$key];

     return $array;

    * This is a simplified version of a function similar to array_merge_recursive. It is
    * designed to recursively merge associative arrays (maps). If each array shares a key,
    * that key is recursed and the child keys are merged.
    * This function does not handle merging of non-associative arrays (numeric keys) as
    * a special case.
    * More than 2 arguments may be passed if desired.
    * @param array $first
    * @param array $second
    * @return array
   public static function mapMerge(array $first, array $second)
     $args = func_get_args();

     foreach ($args AS $arg)
       if (!is_array($arg) || !$arg)
       foreach ($arg AS $key => $value)
         if (is_array($value) && isset($first[$key]) && is_array($first[$key]))
           $first[$key] = self::mapMerge($first[$key], $value);
           $first[$key] = $value;

     return $first;

   public static function mapDiff(array $array1, array $array2)
     $diff = array();

     foreach ($array1 AS $key => $value)
       if (
         !array_key_exists($key, $array2) // not in the other
         || (is_array($value) && !is_array($array2[$key])) // different type
         || (!is_array($value) && $value !== $array2[$key]) // not equal
         $diff[$key] = $value;
       else if (is_array($value)) // $array2[$key] will be an array as well
         $result = self::mapDiff($value, $array2[$key]);
         if ($result)
           $diff[$key] = $result;

     return $diff;

   public static function arrayColumn($array, $column, $index = null)
     if (function_exists('array_column'))
       return array_column($array, $column, $index);

     $output = array();
     foreach ($array AS $row)
       if ($column === null)
         $value = $row;
       else if (array_key_exists($column, $row))
         $value = $row[$column];

       if ($index === null || !array_key_exists($index, $row))
         $output[] = $value;
         $output[$row[$index]] = $value;

     return $output;

    * Parses a query string (x=y&a=b&c[]=d) into a structured array format.
    * @param string $string
    * @return array
   public static function parseQueryString($string)
     parse_str($string, $output);
     if (function_exists('get_magic_quotes_gpc') && get_magic_quotes_gpc())

     return $output;

   protected static $_randomState;

    * Generates a psuedo-random string of the specified length.
    * @param integer $length
    * @return string
   public static function generateRandomString($length)
     while (strlen(self::$_randomData) < $length)
       if (function_exists('openssl_random_pseudo_bytes')
         && (substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) != 'WIN' || version_compare(phpversion(), '5.3.4', '>='))
         self::$_randomData .= bin2hex(openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(max($length, 1024) / 2));
       else if (function_exists('mcrypt_create_iv') && version_compare(phpversion(), '5.3.0', '>='))
         self::$_randomData .= bin2hex(mcrypt_create_iv(max($length, 1024) / 2, MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM));
       else if (substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) != 'WIN'
         && @file_exists('/dev/urandom') && @is_readable('/dev/urandom')
         && $fp = @fopen('/dev/urandom', 'r')
         if (function_exists('stream_set_read_buffer'))
           stream_set_read_buffer($fp, 0);

         self::$_randomData .= bin2hex(fread($fp, max($length, 1024) / 2));
         if (!self::$_randomState)
           self::$_randomState = md5(memory_get_usage() . getmypid()
             . serialize($_ENV) . serialize($_SERVER) . mt_rand());

         $data = md5(uniqid(mt_rand(), true) . memory_get_usage() . self::$_randomState);
         self::$_randomState = substr($data, 0, 16);
         self::$_randomData .= $data;

     $return = substr(self::$_randomData, 0, $length);
     self::$_randomData = substr(self::$_randomData, $length);

     return $return;

   public static $allowManualDeferred = false;
   public static $manualDeferredIds = array();
   public static $autoDeferredIds = array();

    * Inserts a deferred runner entry
    * @param string $class Class name to run
    * @param array $data Data to pass to runner
    * @param null|string $uniqueKey Unique identifier (prevents duplicate inserts, if provided)
    * @param bool $manual If true, this will only be run by the manual runner. Supported only for entries triggered where manual deferreds are allowed (ACP
    * @param null|integer $triggerDate If specified, only allows triggering after this time
    * @param bool $forceAllowManual If true, force allow manual defers
    * @return bool|int
   public static function defer($class, array $data, $uniqueKey = null, $manual = false, $triggerDate = null, $forceAllowManual = false)
     if (!self::$allowManualDeferred && !$forceAllowManual)
       $manual = false;

     return XenForo_Model::create('XenForo_Model_Deferred')->defer(
       $class, $data, $uniqueKey, $manual, $triggerDate

   protected static $_memoryLimit = null;

    * Sets the memory limit. Will not shrink the limit.
    * @param integer $limit Limit must be given in integer (byte) format.
   public static function setMemoryLimit($limit)
     if (self::$_memoryLimit === null)
       $curLimit = @ini_get('memory_limit');
       switch (substr($curLimit, -1))
         case 'g':
         case 'G':
           $curLimit *= 1024;
           // fall through

         case 'm':
         case 'M':
           $curLimit *= 1024;
           // fall through

         case 'k':
         case 'K':
           $curLimit *= 1024;

       self::$_memoryLimit = intval($curLimit);

     $limit = intval($limit);
     if ($limit > self::$_memoryLimit && self::$_memoryLimit > 0)
       @ini_set('memory_limit', $limit);
       self::$_memoryLimit = $limit;
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