- Сообщения
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Помогите разобраться что вызывает такие вот ошибки
содержимое запроса
куда копать ?
вот содержимое entiti.php
- InvalidArgumentException: Accessed unknown getter 'PortaArticle' on XF:Thread[64]
- src/XF/Mvc/Entity/Entity.php:208
#0 src/XF/Mvc/Entity/Entity.php(114): XF\Mvc\Entity\Entity->get('PortaArticle')
#1 src/addons/Nulumia/XPImprovements/XF/Pub/Controller/Thread.php(24): XF\Mvc\Entity\Entity->__get('PortaArticle')
#2 src/addons/Snog/PrivateThreads/XF/Pub/Controller/Thread.php(11): Nulumia\XPImprovements\XF\Pub\Controller\Thread->actionIndex(Object(XF\Mvc\ParameterBag))
#3 src/addons/XenAddons/AMS/XF/Pub/Controller/Thread.php(11): Snog\PrivateThreads\XF\Pub\Controller\Thread->actionIndex(Object(XF\Mvc\ParameterBag))
#4 src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php(352): XenAddons\AMS\XF\Pub\Controller\Thread->actionIndex(Object(XF\Mvc\ParameterBag))
#5 src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php(259): XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->dispatchClass('XF:Thread', 'Index', Object(XF\Mvc\RouteMatch), Object(SV\ReportImprovements\XF\Pub\Controller\Thread), NULL)
#6 src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php(115): XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->dispatchFromMatch(Object(XF\Mvc\RouteMatch), Object(SV\ReportImprovements\XF\Pub\Controller\Thread), NULL)
#7 src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php(57): XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->dispatchLoop(Object(XF\Mvc\RouteMatch))
#8 src/XF/App.php(2353): XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->run()
#9 src/XF.php(524): XF\App->run()
#10 index.php(20): XF::runApp('XF\\Pub\\App')
#11 {main}
array(4) {
["url"] => string(54) "/threads/pcc-procasinocoin-nasha-forumnaja-valjuta.76/"
["referrer"] => string(73) ""
["_GET"] => array(0) {
["_POST"] => array(0) {
вот содержимое entiti.php
namespace XF\Mvc\Entity;
use XF\Util\Php;
use function array_key_exists, array_slice, call_user_func_array, count, get_called_class, get_class, is_array, is_int, is_string, strlen;
abstract class Entity implements \ArrayAccess
const REQUIRES_DECODING = 0x10000;
const INT = 0x0001;
const UINT = 0x0002;
const FLOAT = 0x0003;
const BOOL = 0x10004;
const STR = 0x0005;
const BINARY = 0x0006;
const SERIALIZED = 0x10007;
const JSON = 0x10009;
const JSON_ARRAY = 0x10010;
const LIST_LINES = 0x10011;
const LIST_COMMA = 0x10012;
// This is a general purpose list. This isn't directly applicable to entities as it does not define an encoding
// or decoding process. It can be used by the value formatter/array validator system which uses these types.
const LIST_ARRAY = 0x10013;
/** @deprecated - use JSON_ARRAY instead */
const SERIALIZED_ARRAY = 0x10008;
const TO_ONE = 1;
const TO_MANY = 2;
// Note that all the variables and protected methods in this class are prefixed with _ to avoid
// any possible conflicts with entries in the concrete methods. This is not the general practice.
private static $_entityCounter = 1;
private $_uniqueEntityId;
protected $rootClass;
// if true, pass arguments to db->insert to use REPLACE INTO instead of INSERT INTO
protected $_useReplaceInto = false;
protected $_newValues = [];
protected $_values = [];
protected $_relations = [];
protected $_getterCache = [];
protected $_valueCache = [];
protected $_previousValues = [];
protected $_options = [];
protected $_deleted = false;
protected $_readOnly = false;
protected $_writePending = false;
protected $_writeRunning = false;
protected $_errors = [];
* @var \Closure[]
protected $_whenSaveable = [];
* @var Entity[]
protected $_cascadeSave = [];
* @var null|Behavior[]
protected $_behaviors = null;
* @var Structure
protected $_structure;
* @var Manager
protected $_em;
public function __construct(Manager $em, Structure $structure, array $values = [], array $relations = [])
$this->_uniqueEntityId = self::$_entityCounter++;
$this->_em = $em;
$this->_structure = $structure;
$this->_values = $values;
$this->_relations = $relations;
$this->rootClass = \XF::extension()->resolveExtendedClassToRoot($this);
if (!$values)
\XF::fire('entity_defaults', [$this], $this->rootClass);
protected function _setupDefaults()
public function __get($key)
return $this->get($key);
public function offsetGet($key)
return $this->get($key);
public function get($key)
$structure = $this->_structure;
$originalKey = $key;
if (substr($key, -1) == '_')
$key = substr($key, 0, -1);
$useGetter = false;
$useGetter = true;
if ($useGetter && isset($structure->getters[$key]))
$getterVal = $structure->getters[$key];
if (is_array($getterVal))
$cache = $getterVal['cache'] ?? true;
$getter = $getterVal['getter'];
$cache = $getterVal; // is a boolean indicating cacheability
$getter = true; // key indicates getter name so build that below
if ($cache && array_key_exists($key, $this->_getterCache))
return $this->_getterCache[$key];
if ($getter === true)
$getter = 'get' . \XF\Util\Php::camelCase($key);
$result = $this->$getter();
if ($cache)
$this->_getterCache[$key] = $result;
return $result;
if (!empty($structure->columns[$key]))
if ($useGetter && !empty($structure->columns[$key]['censor']))
if (!array_key_exists($key, $this->_getterCache))
$v = $this->getValue($key);
$this->_getterCache[$key] = $this->app()->stringFormatter()->censorText($v);
return $this->_getterCache[$key];
return $this->getValue($key);
if (!empty($structure->relations[$key]))
return $this->getRelation($key);
if (!empty($structure->columnAliases[$key]))
$alias = $structure->columnAliases[$key] . ($useGetter ? '' : '_');
return $this->get($alias);
if (\XF::$debugMode)
// Note: this is intentionally triggering a warning rather than an exception. This will commonly
// trigger in templates and we will still be able to render in that case.
trigger_error("Accessed unknown getter '$originalKey' on " . $this->__toString(), E_USER_WARNING);
new \InvalidArgumentException("Accessed unknown getter '$originalKey' on " . $this->__toString())
return null;
public function getValue($key)
$columns = $this->_structure->columns;
if (empty($columns[$key]))
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Unknown column $key");
$column = $columns[$key];
if (array_key_exists($key, $this->_newValues))
$value = $this->_newValues[$key];
if ($value instanceof DeferredValue)
$value = $this->_resolveDeferredValue($key, $value, 'get');
else if (array_key_exists($key, $this->_values))
if ($column['type'] & self::REQUIRES_DECODING)
if (!array_key_exists($key, $this->_valueCache))
$this->_valueCache[$key] = $this->_em->decodeValueFromSourceExtended($column['type'], $this->_values[$key], $column);
$value = $this->_valueCache[$key];
$value = $this->_values[$key];
else if (array_key_exists('default', $column))
$value = $column['default'];
$value = null;
return $value;
public function getValueSourceEncoded($key)
$columns = $this->_structure->columns;
if (empty($columns[$key]))
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Unknown column $key");
$column = $columns[$key];
if (array_key_exists($key, $this->_newValues))
$value = $this->_newValues[$key];
if ($value instanceof DeferredValue)
$value = $this->_resolveDeferredValue($key, $value, 'get');
else if (array_key_exists($key, $this->_values))
// already encoded
return $this->_values[$key];
else if (array_key_exists('default', $column))
$value = $column['default'];
$value = null;
return $this->_em->encodeValueForSource($column['type'], $value);
public function getExistingValue($key)
$columns = $this->_structure->columns;
if (empty($columns[$key]))
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Unknown column $key");
$column = $columns[$key];
if (array_key_exists($key, $this->_values))
if ($column['type'] & self::REQUIRES_DECODING)
if (!array_key_exists($key, $this->_valueCache))
$this->_valueCache[$key] = $this->_em->decodeValueFromSourceExtended($column['type'], $this->_values[$key], $column);
$value = $this->_valueCache[$key];
$value = $this->_values[$key];
else if (array_key_exists('default', $column))
$value = $column['default'];
$value = null;
return $value;
public function getPreviousValue($key)
$columns = $this->_structure->columns;
if (empty($columns[$key]))
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Unknown column $key");
$column = $columns[$key];
if (array_key_exists($key, $this->_previousValues))
$v = $this->_previousValues[$key];
else if (array_key_exists($key, $this->_values))
$v = $this->_values[$key];
else if (array_key_exists('default', $column))
return $column['default'];
return null;
if ($column['type'] & self::REQUIRES_DECODING)
return $this->_em->decodeValueFromSourceExtended($column['type'], $v, $column);
return $v;
public function getNewValues()
return $this->_newValues;
public function getPreviousValues()
$values = [];
foreach (array_keys($this->_structure->columns) AS $k)
$values[$k] = $this->getPreviousValue($k);
return $values;
public function getRelation($key)
$relations = $this->_structure->relations;
if (empty($relations[$key]))
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Unknown relation $key");
if (!array_key_exists($key, $this->_relations))
$this->_relations[$key] = $this->_em->getRelation($relations[$key], $this);
return $this->_relations[$key];
public function getRelationOrDefault($key, $cascadeSave = true)
$relations = $this->_structure->relations;
if (empty($relations[$key]))
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Unknown relation $key");
$relation = $relations[$key];
if (empty($this->_relations[$key]))
$data = $this->_em->getRelation($relation, $this);
if (!$data)
$data = $this->_em->hydrateDefaultFromRelation($this, $relation);
$this->_relations[$key] = $data;
if ($cascadeSave)
return $this->_relations[$key];
* @param string $key
* @return bool
public function hasRelation(string $key): bool
return isset($this->_structure->relations[$key]);
public function hydrateFinderRelation($key, array $entities)
$relations = $this->_structure->relations;
if (!isset($relations[$key]))
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Unknown relation $key");
$relation = $relations[$key];
if (empty($relation['key']) || $relation['type'] != self::TO_MANY)
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Relation $key does not support finder hydration");
$falseEntities = [];
foreach ($entities AS $entityKey => $value)
if (!$value)
$falseEntities[$entityKey] = true;
$finder = $this->_em->getRelationFinder($relation, $this);
$this->_relations[$key] = new FinderCollection($finder, $relation['key'], $entities, $falseEntities);
public function hydrateRelation($key, $value)
$relations = $this->_structure->relations;
if (!isset($relations[$key]))
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Unknown relation $key");
$relation = $relations[$key];
if ($relation['type'] == self::TO_MANY)
if (!($value instanceof AbstractCollection))
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("To many relations must be hydrated with collections");
if ($value !== null && !($value instanceof Entity))
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("To one relations must be hydrated with entities or null");
$this->_relations[$key] = $value;
public function getExistingRelation($key)
$relations = $this->_structure->relations;
if (empty($relations[$key]))
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Unknown relation $key");
return $this->_em->getRelation($relations[$key], $this, 'existing');
public function getRelationFinder($key, $type = 'current')
$relations = $this->_structure->relations;
if (empty($relations[$key]))
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Unknown relation $key");
return $this->_em->getRelationFinder($relations[$key], $this, $type);
public function toArray($allowGetters = true)
$output = [];
foreach ($this->_structure->columns AS $key => $null)
$output[$key] = $allowGetters ? $this->get($key) : $this->getValue($key);
return $output;
public final function toApiResult($verbosity = self::VERBOSITY_NORMAL, array $options = [])
$result = new \XF\Api\Result\EntityResult($this);
$subResult = $this->setupApiResultData($result, $verbosity, $options);
if ($subResult instanceof \XF\Api\Result\EntityResultInterface)
return $subResult;
return $result;
* This method must be overridden to enable API access to this entity.
* @param \XF\Api\Result\EntityResult $result
* @param int $verbosity
* @param array $options
protected function setupApiResultData(
\XF\Api\Result\EntityResult $result, $verbosity = self::VERBOSITY_NORMAL, array $options = []
throw new \LogicException(
"API result rules not defined by " . $this->_structure->shortName . '. Override setupApiResultData().'
public function __set($key, $value)
$this->set($key, $value);
public function offsetSet($key, $value)
$this->set($key, $value);
public function set($key, $value, array $options = [])
if ($this->_readOnly)
throw new \LogicException("Entity is read only");
if ($this->_deleted)
throw new \LogicException("Attempted to set '$key' on a deleted entity");
if ($this->_writePending == 'delete')
throw new \LogicException("Attempted to set '$key' while a deletion was pending");
if ($this->_writePending && empty($options['forceSet']))
throw new \LogicException("Attempted to set '$key' while a save was pending without forceSet");
if (!isset($this->_structure->columns[$key]))
if (empty($options['skipInvalid']))
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Column '$key' is unknown");
return false;
$column = $this->_structure->columns[$key];
if ((!empty($column['readOnly']) || !empty($column['autoIncrement'])) && empty($options['forceSet']))
if (empty($options['skipInvalid']))
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Column '$key' is read only, can only be set with forceSet");
return false;
if (!empty($column['writeOnce']) && $this->isUpdate() && empty($options['forceSet']))
if (empty($options['skipInvalid']))
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Column '$key' can only be written on insert or set with forceSet");
return false;
if ($value instanceof DeferredValue)
$this->_setInternal($key, $value);
return true;
if (!$this->_verifyValueCustom($value, $key, $column['type'], $column))
return false;
$value = $this->_castValueToType($value, $key, $column['type'], $column);
if (!$this->_em->getValueFormatter()->applyValueConstraints(
$value, $column['type'], $column, $constraintError, !empty($options['forceConstraint'])
if ($constraintError)
$this->error($constraintError, $key, false);
return false;
if ($this->_columnValueIsDifferent($key, $value, $column) && $value !== null)
if (!empty($column['unique']))
if (!$this->_verifyUniqueValue($value, $key, $column['unique']))
return false;
else if (!empty($column['autoIncrement']) || $this->_structure->primaryKey === $key)
if (!$this->_verifyUniqueValue($value, $key, true))
return false;
$this->_setInternal($key, $value);
return true;
public function setTrusted($key, $value)
if (!isset($this->_structure->columns[$key]))
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Column '$key' is unknown");
$column = $this->_structure->columns[$key];
$value = $this->_castValueToType($value, $key, $column['type'], $column);
$this->_setInternal($key, $value);
return true;
public function setFromEncoded($key, $value, array $options = [])
if (!isset($this->_structure->columns[$key]))
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Column '$key' is unknown");
$column = $this->_structure->columns[$key];
$value = $this->_em->decodeValueFromSourceExtended($column['type'], $value, $column);
return $this->set($key, $value, $options);
public function setAsSaved($key, $value)
if (!$this->exists() && !$this->_writeRunning)
throw new \LogicException("Can only set an already saved value on a saved entity");
if (!isset($this->_structure->columns[$key]))
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Column '$key' is unknown");
$column = $this->_structure->columns[$key];
$value = $this->_castValueToType($value, $key, $column['type'], $column);
$sourceValue = $this->_em->encodeValueForSource($column['type'], $value);
if ($this->_writeRunning)
// If a write is currently happening, we can't write into $_values as it may cause isInsert and similar
// to fail or it may potentially be overwritten. Treat it like a new value and it'll be pushed
$this->_setInternal($key, $value);
$this->_values[$key] = $sourceValue;
return $sourceValue;
public function bulkSet(array $values, array $options = [])
$results = [];
foreach ($values AS $key => $value)
$results[$key] = $this->set($key, $value, $options);
return $results;
public function bulkSetIgnore(array $values, array $options = [])
$options['skipInvalid'] = true;
return $this->bulkSet($values, $options);
protected function _castValueToType($value, $key, $type, array $columnOptions = [])
return $this->_em->getValueFormatter()->castValueToType($value, $type, $columnOptions);
catch (\Exception $e)
throw new \InvalidArgumentException($e->getMessage() . " [$key]", $e->getCode(), $e);
protected function _verifyValueCustom(&$value, $key, $type, array $columnOptions)
$success = true;
if (!empty($columnOptions['verify']))
$verifier = $columnOptions['verify'];
if (is_array($verifier) && $verifier[0] == '$this')
$verifier[0] = $this;
else if (is_string($verifier))
$verifier = [$this, $verifier];
$success = call_user_func_array($verifier, [
&$value, $key, $type, $columnOptions, $this
$verifyMethod = 'verify' . \XF\Util\Php::camelCase($key);
if (method_exists($this, $verifyMethod))
$success = $this->$verifyMethod($value, $key, $type, $columnOptions);
if ($success !== true && $success !== false)
throw new \LogicException("Verification method of $key did not return a valid indicator (true/false)");
return $success;
protected function _verifyUniqueValue($value, $key, $error = true)
if ($value === null)
return true;
$match = $this->_em->getFinder($this->_structure->shortName)->where($key, '=', $value)->fetchOne();
if (!$match || $match === $this)
return true;
if ($error === true)
$this->error(\XF::phrase('all_x_values_must_be_unique', ['key' => $key]), $key);
else if (is_string($error))
$this->error(\XF::phrase($error), $key);
else if ($error instanceof \Closure)
$error($key, $this);
return false;
* This determines if the new value for a column is different from the *stored version*.
* This distinction is significant for multiple calls to set(), when the second call reverts back to the stored
* value (meaning this function will return false).
* @param string $key
* @param mixed $value
* @param array $column
* @return bool
protected function _columnValueIsDifferent($key, $value, array $column)
return (
!array_key_exists($key, $this->_values)
|| $value !== $this->_em->decodeValueFromSourceExtended($column['type'], $this->_values[$key], $column)
protected function _setInternal($key, $value)
if (!isset($this->_structure->columns[$key]))
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Column $key is unknown");
$column = $this->_structure->columns[$key];
$skipInvalidate = ($this->isInsert() && !empty($column['autoIncrement']) && $value === null);
if ($this->_columnValueIsDifferent($key, $value, $column))
// this means the value is different from the stored value
$this->_newValues[$key] = $value;
if (!$skipInvalidate)
return true;
else if (array_key_exists($key, $this->_newValues))
// value is different from the new value but the same as the old value
if (!$skipInvalidate)
return true;
return false;
protected function _invalidateCachesOnChange($key)
// invalidate any getters that depend on this value
foreach ($this->_structure->getters AS $getterName => $getter)
if (!is_array($getter) || !isset($getter['invalidate']))
foreach ($getter['invalidate'] AS $invalidate)
if ($invalidate === $key)
foreach ($this->_structure->relations AS $relationName => $relation)
$conditions = $relation['conditions'];
if (!is_array($conditions))
$conditions = [$conditions];
foreach ($conditions AS $condition)
if (is_string($condition))
if ($condition == $key)
else if (count($condition) > 3)
foreach (array_slice($condition, 2) AS $v)
if ($v && $v[0] == '$' && substr($v, 1) == $key)
else if (
&& strlen($condition[2])
&& $condition[2][0] == '$'
&& substr($condition[2], 1) == $key
if (
&& is_string($condition[0])
&& strlen($condition[0])
&& $condition[0][0] == '$'
&& substr($condition[0], 1) == $key
public function clearCache($key)
public function updateVersionId($versionIdField = 'version_id', $versionStringField = 'version_string', $addOnIdField = 'addon_id')
$addOnId = $this->getValue($addOnIdField);
if ($addOnId)
$addOn = $this->_em->find('XF:AddOn', $addOnId);
if (!$addOn)
$this->set($addOnIdField, ''); // no add-on found, make it custom
$versionId = 0;
$versionString = '';
$versionId = $addOn->version_id;
$versionString = $addOn->version_string;
$versionId = 0;
$versionString = '';
$this->set($versionIdField, $versionId);
$this->set($versionStringField, $versionString);
return $versionId;
public function setOption($name, $value)
if (!array_key_exists($name, $this->_structure->options))
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Unknown entity option: $name");
$this->_options[$name] = $value;
public function setOptions(array $options)
foreach ($options AS $name => $value)
$this->setOption($name, $value);
public function resetOption($name)
if (!array_key_exists($name, $this->_structure->options))
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Unknown entity option: $name");
public function hasOption($name)
return array_key_exists($name, $this->_structure->options);
* @param string $name
* @return mixed
public function getOption($name)
if (array_key_exists($name, $this->_options))
return $this->_options[$name];
else if (array_key_exists($name, $this->_structure->options))
return $this->_structure->options[$name];
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Unknown entity option: $name");
public function isUpdate()
return $this->exists();
public function isInsert()
if ($this->_deleted)
return false;
return $this->_values ? false : true;
public function exists()
if ($this->_deleted)
return false;
return $this->_values ? true : false;
public function isChanged($key)
if (is_array($key))
foreach ($key AS $subKey)
if ($this->isChanged($subKey))
return true;
return false;
$columns = $this->_structure->columns;
if (empty($columns[$key]))
return false;
return array_key_exists($key, $this->_newValues);
public function hasChanges()
return ($this->isInsert() || $this->_newValues);
public function isStateChanged($key, $state)
if (!$this->isChanged($key))
return false;
else if ($this->getValue($key) == $state)
return 'enter';
else if ($this->isUpdate() && $this->getExistingValue($key) == $state)
return 'leave';
return false;
* @return null|Behavior[]
public function getBehaviors()
if ($this->_behaviors === null)
$this->_behaviors = $this->_em->getBehaviors($this, $this->_structure->behaviors);
foreach ($this->_behaviors AS $behavior)
return $this->_behaviors;
public function getBehavior($behavior)
$behaviors = $this->getBehaviors();
if (!isset($behaviors[$behavior]))
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Unknown behavior '$behavior'");
return $behaviors[$behavior];
public function hasBehavior($behavior)
$behaviors = $this->getBehaviors();
return isset($behaviors[$behavior]);
public function useReplaceInto($useReplaceInto)
$this->_useReplaceInto = $useReplaceInto ? true : false;
public function whenSaveable(\Closure $fn)
if ($this->_writeRunning)
$this->_whenSaveable[] = $fn;
public function addCascadedSave(Entity $entity)
if ($entity === $this)
$id = $entity->getUniqueEntityId();
$this->_cascadeSave[$id] = $entity;
public function removeCascadedSave(Entity $entity)
if ($entity === $this)
$id = $entity->getUniqueEntityId();
public final function save($throw = true, $newTransaction = true)
if ($this->_readOnly)
throw new \LogicException("Entity is read only");
if ($this->_deleted)
throw new \LogicException("Cannot save a deleted entity");
if (!$this->preSave())
if ($throw)
throw new \XF\PrintableException($this->_errors);
return false;
if ($this->_fillDeferredValues('save'))
// this could cause a required field to be invalid
if ($this->_errors)
if ($throw)
throw new \XF\PrintableException($this->_errors);
return false;
$db = $this->db();
$isInsert = $this->isInsert();
if ($newTransaction)
$this->_writeRunning = true;
if ($isInsert)
if ($this->_cascadeSave)
$this->_em->startCascadeEvent('save', $this);
foreach ($this->_cascadeSave AS $save)
if (!$this->_em->triggerCascadeAttempt('save', $save))
$save->save($throw, false);
foreach ($this->getBehaviors() AS $behaviorId => $behavior)
\XF::fire('entity_post_save', [$this], $this->rootClass);
catch (\Exception $e)
if ($newTransaction)
throw $e;
if ($newTransaction)
// Need to calculate this again after any post-save behaviors as _newValues could've possibly been changed
// by calls to things like fastUpdate or setAsSaved.
$newDbValues = $this->_newValues;
$columns = $this->_structure->columns;
foreach ($newDbValues AS $column => $value)
$newDbValues[$column] = $this->_em->encodeValueForSource($columns[$column]['type'], $value);
return true;
public final function saveIfChanged(&$saved = null, $throw = true, $newTransaction = true)
if (!$this->_newValues && $this->isUpdate())
$saved = false;
return true;
$saved = true;
return $this->save($throw, $newTransaction);
public function fastUpdate($key, $value = null)
if (!$this->exists() && !$this->_writeRunning)
throw new \LogicException("Cannot call fastUpdate until the entity is saved");
if (is_array($key))
$fields = $key;
$fields = [$key => $value];
if (!$fields)
// Note: while the save is running, the new values reflect what's in the DB.
// Also make sure we do this before the setAsSaved call in case we're update the primary key.
$condition = $this->_getUpdateCondition($this->_writeRunning);
$dbUpdate = [];
foreach ($fields AS $key => $value)
$dbUpdate[$key] = $this->setAsSaved($key, $value);
$this->db()->update($this->_structure->table, $dbUpdate, $condition);
public final function preSave()
// write will be pending after calling this; this means call it only once
if ($this->_writePending != 'save')
foreach ($this->getBehaviors() AS $behavior)
\XF::fire('entity_pre_save', [$this], $this->rootClass);
if ($this->_cascadeSave)
$this->_em->startCascadeEvent('preSave', $this);
foreach ($this->_cascadeSave AS $childObjectId => $save)
if (!$this->_em->triggerCascadeAttempt('preSave', $save))
if (!$save->preSave())
foreach ($save->getErrors() AS $key => $error)
$this->error($error, is_int($key) ? null : $key, false);
if ($this->isInsert())
$this->_writePending = 'save';
return count($this->_errors) == 0;
protected function _preSave() {}
protected function _fillDeferredValues($context)
$keys = [];
foreach ($this->_newValues AS $key => $value)
if ($value instanceof DeferredValue)
$this->_resolveDeferredValue($key, $value, $context);
$keys[] = $key;
return $keys;
protected function _resolveDeferredValue($key, DeferredValue $deferred, $context)
$result = $deferred($this, $context);
if ($deferred->isAssignableAt($context))
$this->set($key, $result, ['forceSet' => true]);
return $result;
protected function _fillInsertDefaults()
foreach ($this->_structure->columns AS $key => $column)
if (array_key_exists($key, $this->_newValues))
if (array_key_exists('default', $column))
$this->_setInternal($key, $column['default']);
else if (!empty($column['nullable']))
$this->_setInternal($key, null);
protected function _validateRequirements()
foreach ($this->_structure->columns AS $key => $column)
if (empty($column['required']))
if (isset($this->_newValues[$key]) && $this->_newValues[$key] instanceof DeferredValue)
// this will be resolved later
if ($this->isUpdate() && !array_key_exists($key, $this->_newValues))
$value = $this->getValue($key);
$exists = array_key_exists($key, $this->_newValues) || array_key_exists($key, $this->_values);
if (!empty($column['nullable']) && $value === null && $exists)
if (!$exists || $value === '' || $value === [] || $value === null)
if (is_string($column['required']))
$this->error(\XF::phrase($column['required']), $key, false);
$this->error(\XF::phrase('please_enter_value_for_required_field_x', ['field' => $key]), $key, false);
protected function _saveToSource()
$db = $this->db();
$structure = $this->_structure;
$columns = $structure->columns;
$save = $this->_newValues;
foreach ($save AS $column => $value)
if (!isset($columns[$column]))
throw new \LogicException("Unknown column $column was found in data to be saved");
$save[$column] = $this->_em->encodeValueForSource($columns[$column]['type'], $value);
if ($save)
if ($this->isInsert())
$db->insert($structure->table, $save, $this->_useReplaceInto);
$this->_fillAutoIncrement($db->lastInsertId(), $save);
$db->update($structure->table, $save, $this->_getUpdateCondition());
return $save;
protected function _fillAutoIncrement($value, array &$newSourceValues)
foreach ($this->_structure->columns AS $key => $column)
if (!empty($column['autoIncrement']))
$this->_setInternal($key, $value);
$newSourceValues[$key] = $value;
return true;
return false;
protected function _postSave() {}
protected function _saveCleanUp(array $newDbValues)
$this->_writePending = false;
$this->_writeRunning = false;
$this->_previousValues = $this->_values;
$this->_values = array_merge($this->_values, $newDbValues);
$this->_newValues = [];
$this->_errors = [];
// need to wipe out this cache as we've overridden
foreach ($newDbValues AS $key => $null)
// need to run any pending callbacks now that writing is complete
while ($fn = array_shift($this->_whenSaveable))
public function reset()
$this->_writePending = false;
$this->_newValues = [];
$this->_errors = [];
$this->_getterCache = [];
$this->_valueCache = [];
$this->_options = [];
public final function delete($throw = true, $newTransaction = true)
if ($this->_deleted)
return true;
if (!$this->exists())
throw new \LogicException("Cannot delete a non-saved entity");
if ($this->_newValues)
throw new \LogicException("Cannot delete an entity that has been partially updated");
if ($this->_readOnly)
throw new \LogicException("Entity is read only");
if (!$this->preDelete())
if ($throw)
throw new \XF\PrintableException($this->_errors);
return false;
$db = $this->db();
if ($newTransaction)
$this->_writeRunning = true;
$this->_deleted = true;
$rowAffected = $db->delete($this->_structure->table, $this->_getUpdateCondition());
$this->_em->startCascadeEvent('delete', $this);
foreach ($this->_structure->relations AS $relationId => $definition)
if (!empty($definition['cascadeDelete']) && $relation = $this->getRelation($relationId))
if ($relation instanceof Entity)
if (!$this->_em->triggerCascadeAttempt('delete', $relation))
$relation->delete($throw, false);
/** @var $child Entity */
foreach ($relation AS $child)
if (!$this->_em->triggerCascadeAttempt('delete', $child))
$child->delete($throw, false);
// note: only perform the following actions if the actual delete affected a row
// this ensures there cannot be any unintended consequences by calling them repeatedly
if ($rowAffected)
foreach ($this->getBehaviors() AS $behavior)
\XF::fire('entity_post_delete', [$this], $this->rootClass);
if ($newTransaction)
$this->_writePending = false;
$this->_writeRunning = false;
return true;
public final function preDelete()
if ($this->_deleted)
return true;
if ($this->_writePending != 'delete')
foreach ($this->getBehaviors() AS $behavior)
\XF::fire('entity_pre_delete', [$this], $this->rootClass);
$this->_em->startCascadeEvent('preDelete', $this);
foreach ($this->_structure->relations AS $relationId => $definition)
if (!empty($definition['cascadeDelete']) && $relation = $this->getRelation($relationId))
if ($relation instanceof Entity)
if (!$this->_em->triggerCascadeAttempt('preDelete', $relation))
if (!$relation->preDelete())
foreach ($relation->getErrors() AS $key => $error)
$this->error($error, is_int($key) ? null : $key, false);
/** @var $child Entity */
foreach ($relation AS $child)
if (!$this->_em->triggerCascadeAttempt('preDelete', $child))
if (!$child->preDelete())
foreach ($child->getErrors() AS $key => $error)
$this->error($error, is_int($key) ? null : $key, false);
$this->_writePending = 'delete';
return count($this->_errors) == 0;
public function isDeleted()
return $this->_deleted;
protected function _preDelete() {}
protected function _postDelete() {}
protected function _getUpdateCondition($current = false)
if (!$this->_values)
if (!$current || !$this->_writeRunning)
throw new \LogicException("Cannot get the update condition for a non-existing entity");
$conditions = [];
$db = $this->db();
foreach ((array)$this->_structure->primaryKey AS $key)
$value = $current ? $this->getValue($key) : $this->getExistingValue($key);
if ($value === null)
throw new \LogicException("Found null in primary key for entity. Was this called before saving?");
$conditions[] = "`$key` = " . $db->quote($value);
if (!$conditions)
throw new \LogicException("No primary key defined for entity " . get_class($this));
return implode(' AND ', $conditions);
public function getIdentifierValues()
$values = [];
foreach ((array)$this->_structure->primaryKey AS $key)
$value = $this->getValue($key);
if ($value === null)
return null; // primary keys cannot be null (after being saved at least)
$values[$key] = $value;
if (!$values)
throw new \LogicException("No primary key defined for entity " . get_class($this));
return $values;
public function getIdentifier()
$keys = $this->getIdentifierValues();
return $keys ? implode('-', $keys) : null;
* @return string|int
public function getEntityId()
$key = $this->_structure->primaryKey;
return $this->getValue($key);
public function getExistingEntityId()
$key = $this->_structure->primaryKey;
return $this->getExistingValue($key);
protected function assertSimpleEntityId()
if (is_array($this->_structure->primaryKey))
throw new \LogicException("Cannot get a simple ID from the entity " . $this->_structure->shortName);
public function getUniqueEntityId()
return $this->_uniqueEntityId;
public function getEntityContentType()
if (isset($this->_structure->contentType))
return $this->_structure->contentType;
if (preg_match('#^([a-z\d/]+):([a-z\d]+)$#i', $this->_structure->shortName, $match))
$addOn = str_replace('/', '', $match[1]);
$shortName = $match[2];
if ($addOn !== 'XF')
$shortName = $addOn . $shortName;
return lcfirst(Php::fromCamelCase($shortName));
return '';
public function getEntityContentTypeId()
if (!$this->getEntityContentType())
throw new \LogicException("No content type specified in entity structure for " . $this->_structure->shortName);
return $this->_structure->contentType . '-' . $this->getEntityId();
public function error($message, $key = null, $specificError = true)
if ($key)
if ($specificError || !isset($this->_errors[$key]))
$this->_errors[$key] = $message;
$this->_errors[] = $message;
public function getErrors()
return $this->_errors;
public function hasErrors()
return count($this->_errors) > 0;
public function setReadOnly($readOnly)
$this->_readOnly = (bool)$readOnly;
public function getReadOnly()
return $this->_readOnly;
public function __isset($key)
$structure = $this->_structure;
if (substr($key, -1) == '_')
$key = substr($key, 0, -1);
$useGetter = false;
$useGetter = true;
if ($useGetter && isset($structure->getters[$key]))
return true;
return (
|| isset($structure->relations[$key])
public function offsetExists($key)
return $this->__isset($key);
public function offsetUnset($key)
throw new \LogicException('Entity offsets may not be unset');
public function isValidColumn($key)
return isset($this->_structure->columns[$key]);
public function isValidRelation($key)
return isset($this->_structure->relations[$key]);
public function isValidGetter($key)
return isset($this->_structure->getters[$key]);
public function isValidKey($key)
return $this->__isset($key);
protected function _getDeferredValue(\Closure $handler, $assignTime = 'preSave')
return $this->_em->getDeferredValue($handler, $assignTime);
* @param string $identifier
* @return Finder
public function finder($identifier)
return $this->_em->getFinder($identifier);
* @param string $identifier
* @return Repository
public function repository($identifier)
return $this->_em->getRepository($identifier);
* @return \XF\Db\AbstractAdapter
public function db()
return $this->_em->getDb();
* @return Manager
public function em()
return $this->_em;
* @return Structure
public function structure()
return $this->_structure;
* @return \XF\App
public function app()
return \XF::app();
public function __toString()
$key = $this->getIdentifierValues();
if (!$key)
$key = '[unsaved]';
$key = '[' . implode(', ', $key) . ']';
return $this->_structure->shortName . $key;
public function __debugInfo()
$dump = (array)$this;
unset($dump["\0*\0_getterCache"], $dump["\0*\0_valueCache"], $dump["\0*\0_structure"], $dump["\0*\0_em"]);
return $dump;
* @param Structure $structure
* @return Structure
* @throws \LogicException
public static function getStructure(Structure $structure)
throw new \LogicException(get_called_class() . '::getStructure() must be overridden');
public function getMaxLength($fieldName)
if (isset($this->_structure->columns[$fieldName]['maxLength']))
return $this->_structure->columns[$fieldName]['maxLength'];
return null;
public function __sleep()
throw new \LogicException('Entities cannot be serialized or unserialized');
public function __wakeup()
throw new \LogicException('Entities cannot be serialized or unserialized');
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