Информация о XenForo 2.0

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Выпуск версии 1.5 был последним в серии XenForo 1.x.x, далее разработчики начнут, точнее уже начали заниматься разработкой XenForo 2.0. Все новости о XenForo 2.0 мы будем размещать в данной теме. :-)

Приближается время официального релиза XenForo 1.5 и теперь необходимо переключить наше основное внимание на развитие новой версии, которой станет XenForo 2.0.

Несмотря на то, что мы пока не можем предоставить большое количество деталей о версии 2.0, у нас есть рамки принципы и идеи, которые мы хотим реализовать именно в новой версии, в том числе будет произведён целый ряд структурных изменений, которые позволят повысить производительность труда разработчиков и гибкость кода. Мы уже писали некоторые особенности основного кода для того, чтобы проверить жизнеспособность некоторых наших архитектурных идей, и мы в восторге от прогресса, который получился.

Основная версия выпуска, например, XenForo 2.0 дает нам больше свободы, чтобы сделать значительные, радикальные изменения.

Требования к версии PHP с выходом XenForo 2.0 конечно же будут увеличены, прежде всего, потому что мы хотим использовать новые технологии, которые сейчас предлагают новые версии PHP. Текущая минимальная версия, необходимая для корректной работы XenForo - PHP 5.3, но к сожалению он уже достаточно устарел.

Сразу скажу, что о выходе новой версии ничего неизвестно. Как только что-то будет проясняться, мы напишем здесь об этом. :-)
Последнее редактирование:
Hope, затишье перед бурей!?)
Ещё обновления и изменения в XenForo 2.0:

It's been a little while since we've done one of these development updates. It may have seemed like there weren't many changes happening on the site, but there have been very significant changes happening behind the scenes.

Here are some of the things we've been changing since the last update:

  • The find new system has been changed to allow users to save their preferred filters. The filters used in a particular search can now be seen immediately and easily removed.
  • A short caching period has been added for find new requests. This will be most significant for guests as this will limit the number of records that will be inserted, even with a large amount of traffic.
  • These changes have been applied to the "new posts" page within the forums section and an explicit option has been added to allow this to be the default page of the forums section.
  • A global "Post thread" button has been added to the forum overview pages (forum list, new posts).
  • Refactor the add-on data export system to use a file per data type. This reduces overhead during installation as only specific types of XML needed to be loaded.
  • Refactor the add-on data import system to do the necessary rebuilds as it goes along. Significantly, this means that only data being created or deleted needs to be rebuild, which should significantly increase installation/upgrade speed for most add-ons and particularly for smaller ones.
  • Refactor the base add-on installer components to natively support multiple steps when installing, upgrading, or uninstalling an add-on. Developers would generally only need to define the steps with particular method names.
  • Implement a new approach to file hash checking. Our add-on package building tools also automatically calculate hashes. These hashes will be verified before add-on installation/upgrade and will either block installation or warn of the error.
  • Beyond this, the file health check can now be run automatically via a cron. If an error occurs, this will email the appropriate person.
  • Added a command for building add-on release packages. This includes pulling additional files in if they're outside the add-on root, exporting the add-on data, building the file hashes, and packaging the zip file in the correct format.
  • Ensure that our new HTTP client still supports redirects but securely (as was re-added in 1.5.11).
  • Significant improvements to our tools that help automatically phrase templates (and files) and running them against XF. All text should now be phrased. We have also built a tool to identify (likely) unused phrases and have removed them.
  • Many phrases have been adjusted to use sentence case. Adjust various wordings to be more consistent, particularly in areas of the control panel.
  • Adjust exactly how admin navigation works and begin to setup the ACP entry page as more of a dashboard.
  • Significant refactor to the registration code to make it easier to extend and to share more code between standard registrations and connected account registrations.
  • Added a "New threads" widget which is ordered by thread creation date rather than last post date. This also offers an "expanded" view which displays the first post content, similar to what you might see in a portal.
  • Add support for forum filters in the new threads and new posts widgets.
  • Refactor of the ACP stats display system to generally be easier to work with and be accessible through a single "stats" entry point. Raw data points for the displayed stats are now exposed via the interface. When displaying grouped stats (weekly/monthly), the values will now be shown as daily averages within the time period, which prevents certain stats from being misleading and makes more comparable stats over incomplete periods.
  • Completed the core of the style properties system. Beyond the standard elements, properties can depend on another boolean property in their group. If the boolean property is disabled, the dependent properties will either be disabled or hidden. Template-based style properties (for add-ons) can be used to support non-scalar value style properties.
  • Significant refactor to the base color palette. The number of primary color variations has dropped to 5 and the number of accent/secondary color variations has dropped to 3. Situations where minor variations are needed can be generated programmatically.
  • There is now a style property that defines whether the style is light- or dark-based. This will be used with our xf-intensify and xf-diminish LESS functions to programmatically adjust colors. The functions will darken/lighten on light styles and the inverse on dark styles.
  • Page nodes support an "advanced mode" flag which currently controls whether the output will automatically be wrapped in a block. (The meaning of this option may be expanded in the future.)
  • A number of code events were added into places we think may be common extension points.
  • The sticky page header and sticky form footer are now disabled if the window is too short.
  • A new <xf:button> tag has been added that simplifies the code to output <button> or <a> tags that look like buttons.
  • The main members section pages have changed to use a sidenav to display the various member stat options and the registered members list, rather than a tab header.
  • Adjusted styling of <select> elements to allow them to be styled consistently across devices. (This was very noticeable on Macs.)
  • Various fixes for issues relating to new installations.
  • Originally missed from this list: a new advertising position system. While the new system ultimately uses templates, you won't have to wade through templates to add advertisements. We have defined a list of advertising positions (that can be associated with add-ons) which you can assign ads to. By default, we provide options to control only displaying ads to users in certain groups and/or not displaying ads to users in certain groups. You can still use template syntax within the ad for more complex conditions.

As always, there are a large number of small fixes and tweaks that we haven't covered here.

While we still have a large number of things on our todo list, we're getting very close to the release of the first development preview. Keep an eye out for that soon!
Hope , Mirovinger ,

It's public and customer is added for XenForo 2.0.0 version, it's today news.
Это публичный и клиент добавляется для XenForo 2.0.0 версии, это уже сегодня.

Да, немного новостей и первый релиз для разработчиков.

This is an alpha-level release. Do not use it in production. Understand the restrictions listed below before downloading this release.

We are very excited to announce that the first developer preview of XenForo 2.0.0 is now available. Any customer with an active license may download this. However, before you download this release, it is very important you understand these restrictions:
  • You cannot upgrade into this release. You will only be able to do a fresh installation (into an unused database).
  • You will not be able to upgrade out of this release. Subsequent developer previews will require a fresh installation. We will not support upgrading from a developer preview to a beta or other release.
  • You must be comfortable manually editing files, modifying file permissions and accessing PHP via the command line to setup and install this version. If you want to install this on an external server, you are very likely to need SSH access.
This release is primarily targeted at XenForo add-on developers, to allow them to start to understand the new XenForo 2 code and begin to experiment with writing add-ons for it. Beyond that, keen enthusiasts are welcome to install this release to understand more about what is included out of the box and to test that functionality. However, if you do not feel comfortable with the requirements/restrictions above, we'd recommend you wait for a beta release to experiment.

To reiterate, you should not use this release in production. Any data you create within a developer preview release will likely be lost as subsequent releases will require re-installation.

This is the first of the developer preview releases. There will be more released frequently. Once we are happy with the state of the developer preview, we intend to move onto the "standard" beta process.

XenForo 2.0 requirements

Make sure you meet the following requirements before downloading:
  • PHP 5.4+
  • MySQL 5.5+
  • Currently the same PHP modules as XenForo 1, though cURL may potentially be added as a requirement.
Downloading XenForo 2.0

You would download this (and future) XenForo 2.0 releases in the same way you download any other version. Log into your and click download on one of your licenses. Provided it's active, you'll have an option to change the version to the developer preview.

Note that because you will be doing a fresh install, we recommend you ensure the "Download the upgrade package only" option is NOT selected.

Installing and developer documentation

We have prepared some initial documentation to help developers understand a lot of the new concepts in XenForo 2. This also covers the installation process. This documentation should be considered a work in progress, something that will be consistently reworked and expanded over time.

Get started with the documentation and installation guide:

Bugs reports and development questions

We will continue using this demo installation through the developer preview.

Any bugs you find in the developer preview should be posted in the here. For development-related questions, we have added a new forum.

Any other feedback should go in . As per before, full blown suggestions should remain on the .
Народ всю тему читать лень, скажите на релиз хf 2.0 потом можно будет обновиться с 1.5.х?
Побыстрее бы уже релиз
Последняя новость Mirovinger, 22 фев 2017 как же хочется форум для сайта сделать, но 1.5 смысла ставить не вижу и потом куча гемора будет с дополнениями, как же долго еще ждать (( DP не поставишь он не обновсится до стабильной версии... одна печаль..
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